Saturday, August 02, 2008

The Ikea 2009 catalogue came via the mailbox yesterday!! Sudden urge to go Ikea!! I wanna go I-k-e-a!!!!! Set my eyes on tons of stuffs, like that boxes! My table is sooooo messsyyyyyyyy. Pfft.

Okay back to SS.
Choir RI Concert: It's driving me nuts.

Aimed to complete my revision for SS & Hist. Please Time, do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT, sit on many many many jets. I'd prefer if you take a walk along the beach, where you'll go by so slowly, that it seemed enough for me to complete my revision, so that you will not run out. Pretty pleaseeeee.

See, I told ya I'm nuts.

Aiyahhhhhhhhhh. Okay gotta jet.

x x x 

There's nothing I can do,

I wanna thank Clar & Darl, xoxo with loves to ya both, for letting me rant (:

x x x