Thursday, December 11, 2008

As I've said, went to the lib today again.

& MY GOODNESS, guess what time I woke up?


That's the time I'm supposed to be outside the lib already!

Guess what woke me up?

Mama's call.

& when I on-ed my phone, I saw Shermin's sms saying that she's already inside. (See your name!)

ZOMGOODNESS! Panick & paiseh to the maxxxx!

So I think by the time I reached the lib it was already 10-11ish? & there was Shermin sitting doing her work. (See your name!)

SORRY SHERMIN!!! (See your name!)

HAHAH see your name! :D

Then Jer came around 1ish, with Chipsters again! :D

Did Emaths/Amaths and I'm done with Ex 6e!

Then we attempted Ex 6f! Which is almost done, except for those that they don't know. & I say "they" because I was mostly copying their answers. hahhahaa

Then Shermin + Jer + 1 went to PP again! :D Cus I needa get dinner and my mouth is itchy.

& when we were at the hawker centre, Shermin slipped and sat on the floor laughing for a few seconds. (see your name!!)


Then we went to get waffles! Damn shiok I tell you. But my chocolate dripped all over the paper, and I swear I ate it till damn messy!!! We just sat near the overhead bridge and eat the waffles, (Y) hahahaha

Then I went opposite with Jer cus i missed my 15!!

Home sweet home.

Abit sian ah, my posts, right?

*This is how I length-ify my posts* HAHAHAHAHAH

x x x