Saturday, January 03, 2009

From Horoscopes that comes in to my inbox everyday:

Your feelings are liable to interfere with sound thinking. You need to sort through emotions and logic and find a comfortable meeting ground of the two.

I ask, how?   

Look into your heart and you'll find love

Livejournal-hopped and found this! CLICK! Yeah I joined it :D

Minor changes to my blog. Lazy to change skin. I'm not tired of it though. Georgia is soooo overrated. Everyone is using it. I used to be "everyone". Now i got the urge to blog more.

Lots of things has been going through my mind. I should be spending my time wisely. Tidying up everything that is left everywhere. I gotta pick up the pieces, but I'm not doing so. Frustration. A bugging feeling. I can't seem to sit down and cwork. I will get distracted. I hate my table. I hate how I want to keep everything for reference and ended up not referring back to them at all. I'm lazy to get my butt out of the house to go to the library. 

I love the net. It's so easy. I hate hw. It's so hard. Why should I continue doing something that I can't do? 

I shall blog on a weekly basis. Everything else shall be written down somewhere else,  I have too many notebooks that are too nice to be used. Wo she bu de yong. As much as I would like to use the net everyday, i have to make sacrifices, to kick my bad habits, even it (habit) is still there. I hope my teachers are able to push me, to motivate me. I really need that huge push from the back, in order for me to go forward. 

Focus. Self-motivation. Save. Concentrate. Self-disciplined. Those are my 2009 resolutions. Because without these in 2009, I can see myself flunking Os.

I keep telling myself to focus. But when I see something so hard, i.e. Redox reactions (which are super super hard the textbook is confusing for god's sake -.-) I find it hard to focus, and my mind start to wander, somewhere totally not related and totally irrelevant. 

I've wasted my whole day away. Hate hate hate hate it.


x x x