Lessons today felt damn short = times passes damn fast! Or maybe because our recess is the last 2nd period of the day.
AMaths is seriously getting harder. I repeat: How am I going to catch up?
V didn't go for Choir today.

Miss Jaime/Jamie is super uber hip & fun yo! (People will disagree, heck.) Damnit, we don't even call her by her surname? How cool is that?! She even danced around and stuffs, which no conductor ever did before. Even Mr O'Leary don't. I think it's the first time I laughed so hard after Miss Lee left(?). She picked Amanda & Try & Yours Truly to stand in front of the whole choir &.. CONDUCT! Which was hilarious, & I can't stop laughing because we've never conduct before. So all we did was stand in front and just sing, no conducting, nada, zilch. Try says she's very assuring, which is all good.
Then after she left, choir was dismissed after hanging around a while, and then we left for Mw's house, which was very good because the 3 of us clicked very well as a threesome!

We had maggie mee at her house, because we were hungry, hahaha. Then used the computer, Youtube, Myspace, Facebook, Msn, Blogger (Lit), Cam-whoring in her toilet (HAHA!!), and even more chit-chat!
A: How long you stay in there?
Mw: 4 years
A: HUH? I mean the bathtub?
(Something along those lines, damn funny, refers to above^)
Then around 6plus, we left her house, and then walked to the Mrt, then trained & bus-ed home. Amanda alighted at Eunos too, so she can see Lucy(!!), & made me missed the bus! HAHA, no lah, she also missed alot of buses thanks to me, because I made her wait with me.

Many many XOXO with

s to Amanda & Miaowen! Really enjoyed myself today, the next time we'll go to your house and swim!!! (Damnit, your house has 4 pools, and I only have one. So die die must goooo!)
(which is jam packed with homeworks ZZZZZ).x x x