I think the new Blogger: Dashboard is damn cool. :D

& yes, I'm damn broke. ):
Recently, Mama just give me $xx for the week and expect me not to spend it. Ever since i-don't-know-when, I've been getting my allowance in advance by 1 DAY EARLIER! And now one full week earlier, I'm quite proud of myself for keeping the money safely inside my mini-drawers, away from my touch, away from my eyes, away from my thoughts.
But you know what's the problem?! I woke up at 7am ON AN EXAM DAY & yeah so I cabbed to school, because I don't want the white slip, & wasted $7.60.
(But the only happy part was, I DIDN'T GET WHITE SLIP! :D)
& yes, I'm damn broke. ):
& tomorrow I'mma be out from one place to another, and Sunday too! ):
I wish my expenses + needs are not so expensive.
& I think I'm left with $10 till NEXT WEDNEDAY when I actually have twice the amount!!!
& I still owe Line $20, and Amanda $2.75!
Ack, what have I gotten myself into?!??!
A huge pile of debt. A huge huge pile which I don't think I'll be able to clear, say, in the near future!
I wish UPS/HDL is able to send me $ via telepathic transmissions.
*Sending transmission*
Aiyah forget it. Why am I deceiving myself.
On a funnier note, the cab driver, whom I assumed he's not Sgrean, is a damn funny guy. Weird guy though. He thinks that by not sending someone you saw randomly on the street who is a stranger and NOT related to you in anyway is being self-centered. & the reason is, from young, we're told not to talk to strangers, yes? HAHA okay seriously weird guy.
x x x