Spot checks today. Tsk. Kept irritating Miaowen, who was sitting two rows in front of us. Sorry babe! But we couldn't help it, -laughs like mad woman.
Jiayan & Fangqi were in class till 8.30am then -poof! So I sat with Angeline, and was telling her about *! Lol. Then we made up the Class Rules, which includes me tickling you if you didn't laugh since the class motto is "Fun, Joy & Laughter" alright, and we're allowed to use handphones in class to look at the clock, calender etc, and the usual rules you'll have in a class. Then we went to the hall, and then recess with Hidayah & Vivian, and then to the AVA for House-Meetings, and I trying to compare how tall Jansen is while asking them how to do Maths Q 8 & 10(!), & was feelimh very high throughout, and Kelson is our Captain (?) & oh yay I'm going to join cheerleading with Hidayah & Vivian & Shirin & Syafiqah & Leslie! Sad sad sad, no more Serena, Daphne, Elizabeth, Grace, etc but do hope you guys can come & help us yeah! Then went back to the hall to hear Mr Yap (VP) talked and stuffs. Then had this discipline talk, & TYVM to Sweetheart, for sitting with me, and TYVM to Samantha who followed too!
Then after that, hang outside the hall for while, before heading to Music Room to have a little practise so we can conduct sectionals in the very very near future. Those who went to TKSS were all present + Sweetheart too!
Then I left early. SORRY GUYS! Hope I didn't miss out much!
Darl said that she's not going for the Dance Night already, so I got Nicaaaaa to go with me!
I wore new pair of contacts, and you know what: WALAO IT WASN'T PAIN/DRY/HURTING AT ALL LOR!! So yay! I dare to wear contacts again!
, and then I met her & Myron on the Paya Lebar platform at 6plus. Think I was late(?). Trained to Bugis and had Yoshinoya which caused me to burn a big hole in my pocket. Then Myron left, so we walked around, because it was quite early, and thank god Nica knows where's the temple, so we made our way there and saw the 2e4 peeps.
Lol, didn't know they going sia.
Then we saw Jolene Khoo! & then waited outside the auditorium because we're wayyyy early, and then Jiayan's family came, with Tongtong also ya know! Hidayah & Afiq were here too@ Then it started to get crowded, and then went into the auditorium & ODT gave us small torch lights which I got the green one, and I sat behind Jansen, hahaha. Was telling Nica who is who etc, hahaha. Teachers were present too! Ms Koh, Mr Teo, Ms Joy Ho, Mdm Loh, Mdm Chew, Mdm Chua, Mrs SCheong, Ms Leow, Mr Steven Su, P, VP, VIP too. I think we waited damn long inside, hahaha. Then the P & VIP made a speech(s), & something about tokens of appreciations.
Then around 8, it finally started!!!!!! Some are SYF pieces which we've seen before already. The new ones are the ones that I'm looking forward too, and overall: GREAT PERFORMANCE! Really nothing much to comment because I'm not a professional lah. Duh. Hahaha.
Waited for Jiayan at the 1st level, to say bye and all, but left early since there's school tomorrow and she's busy. So walked back through Bugis Street, and 33-ed home with Nica. You have no idea how funny she is when she sings! Super hilarious!
She came over to my house, and we wanted to watch a little but of Wei Xiao Pasta but her mum came to fetched her, so she didn't stay long.
LOVE YA NICAAAA! Thankyouverymuch for accompanying me, though its very very last-minute! XOXO!
GREAT DANCE to all the dancers!
& that's how my day went.
x x x
Jiayan & Fangqi were in class till 8.30am then -poof! So I sat with Angeline, and was telling her about *! Lol. Then we made up the Class Rules, which includes me tickling you if you didn't laugh since the class motto is "Fun, Joy & Laughter" alright, and we're allowed to use handphones in class to look at the clock, calender etc, and the usual rules you'll have in a class. Then we went to the hall, and then recess with Hidayah & Vivian, and then to the AVA for House-Meetings, and I trying to compare how tall Jansen is while asking them how to do Maths Q 8 & 10(!), & was feelimh very high throughout, and Kelson is our Captain (?) & oh yay I'm going to join cheerleading with Hidayah & Vivian & Shirin & Syafiqah & Leslie! Sad sad sad, no more Serena, Daphne, Elizabeth, Grace, etc but do hope you guys can come & help us yeah! Then went back to the hall to hear Mr Yap (VP) talked and stuffs. Then had this discipline talk, & TYVM to Sweetheart, for sitting with me, and TYVM to Samantha who followed too!
Then after that, hang outside the hall for while, before heading to Music Room to have a little practise so we can conduct sectionals in the very very near future. Those who went to TKSS were all present + Sweetheart too!
Darl said that she's not going for the Dance Night already, so I got Nicaaaaa to go with me!
Then we saw Jolene Khoo! & then waited outside the auditorium because we're wayyyy early, and then Jiayan's family came, with Tongtong also ya know! Hidayah & Afiq were here too@ Then it started to get crowded, and then went into the auditorium & ODT gave us small torch lights which I got the green one, and I sat behind Jansen, hahaha. Was telling Nica who is who etc, hahaha. Teachers were present too! Ms Koh, Mr Teo, Ms Joy Ho, Mdm Loh, Mdm Chew, Mdm Chua, Mrs SCheong, Ms Leow, Mr Steven Su, P, VP, VIP too. I think we waited damn long inside, hahaha. Then the P & VIP made a speech(s), & something about tokens of appreciations.
Then around 8, it finally started!!!!!! Some are SYF pieces which we've seen before already. The new ones are the ones that I'm looking forward too, and overall: GREAT PERFORMANCE! Really nothing much to comment because I'm not a professional lah. Duh. Hahaha.
Waited for Jiayan at the 1st level, to say bye and all, but left early since there's school tomorrow and she's busy. So walked back through Bugis Street, and 33-ed home with Nica. You have no idea how funny she is when she sings! Super hilarious!
LOVE YA NICAAAA! Thankyouverymuch for accompanying me, though its very very last-minute! XOXO!
GREAT DANCE to all the dancers!
& that's how my day went.
x x x