Good bye sweet Fourteen, you weren't that sweet to me ya know.
Hello Fifteen, you've to learn to be more responsible and hardworking and have to stop procrastinating and stop splurging money and stop being so immature and stop giving attitude!
Thank you Girlfs Jiayan Ahtay & Diana for the Ripples slipper that fits me perfectly & the birthday card!
Thank you Miaowen & Clarissa & Gladys for the Diva earrings!
Thank you Eeting for the gift which is damn useful for my table!
Thank you Derick (hahaha from some weeks back) for the Guylian chocolates!
Thank you Jansen for the 5x5 Rubick's cube! (But dude! I don't know how to solve it man!)
Thank you Zhen Lu & Wei Jie for the Calbury chocolates!
Thank you Jansen, Beeyee, Wei Jie, Darl, Miaowen, Jiayan, Bestf, Diana, Ms Ho, Farhanah, Diana, Huimian, Gladys, Sweetheart, Fangqi, Try, Ara, Marcus for those very very sweet SMSes.
Thank you those who wished me via Friendster & MSN & posts(Diana, Fangqi, Eeting)!
Spend my day waking up at 1pm in the noon and then doing AMaths all the way to 7pm! Of course, there's half an hour times 3 or 4 or 5 breaks like that so it's not really productive + I only did Chapter 1 and not on Chapter 3 but I figured you need to know Chapter 1 first before you can do Chapter 3 because Chapter 3 involves Chapter 1 + I kept munching on new year goodies while revising which is no good for my complexion omgggg its like eeeeyer its getting worse or maybe its the stresssss that causes it to become like that & then I came online and then people started wishing me damn fun omg so happy! Happiestestestest was what Nica said!
The day before (15/2) - During the break (not recess because of Total Defence Day -.-) daaaaaaaaa ladies surprised me by "popping out" my present! (Haha, should've known that Jiayan probably won't be the one holding it because then no more surprises already.) So yup, Diana was holding it and yeah, it was the shock of the day #1!
After school - Tmall with Ahtay & Jiayan & we had Tori Q & then Yayah & Ara came to find us to do a little something-something and then we went to shop around and then went to Macs to give the both of them a treat and chit-chats and they both got hooked on my phone's Sims! HAHAHA.& Then they asked me to open up my present = Shock of the Day #2!!! Totally unexpected!!! Thank soooo much!!!
x x x
(This is wayyyyyyyyyyyy overdue! But die die must post this up! Hehehehe omg I'm a happy kidz!)