Caught P.S. I Love You at The Cathay with daaa family including Mama minus brother & it's my 3rd movie this month, and the funny thing is it's usually 1 movie in three months, ha!
The movie is really sweet. Wonders how the late husband - wait what's his name? - writes those letters and everything. I wanna read the book! -stares at Miaowen! Lol
Before the movie was cheerleading meeting for the few of us. Guess I wasn't really motivated anymore? But anyways love the girls to the maxxxxxxx!
Then Diana was still in school & she's going to Eastpoint with Ahtay, so chatted a lil on the way to the bus stop while I head home to change. Whee much loves!
If my Lit got B, I won't be able to take it. I swear.
x x x