Sorry for the lack in happy posts (not forgetting pictures)! I've been such a pessimist these days that I find myself unbearable. I've got to move on if not I'll start losing my friends.
Currently I've found my cure for not sleeping in class: Jiayan poking me in the ribs! It really works! I sorta jumped out of my seat today during Chemistry! & Ara who was snoozing beside Jiayan also kena her "powerful poke"!
The books Beeyee bought for me from Popular are damn costly and I better use it wisely if not it's gonna end up in the dustbin where all my rubbish goes to and then I'll get hell from Mama. Seriously, these books are gonna last me for 2 years and less and I won't be surprised if I can't finish it.
Stressssss coming from everywhere. Problems cocking up like volcano erupting (ok no link here -shows the Mrs-Mak-No-Link-Hand-Sign).
I really want back my carefree life & I guess that'd be after O's!!!!!! )':
My battery is low and flat and gonna die any minute, bye
x x x