TODAY IS THE BIG DAY!! Today we, 3e2nians, after much discussions and preparations, are ready for the BIG DAY!!
We sold hot dogs, popcorns, nuggets, chocolate bananas and jellies, and screening movies too, such as Transformers (one of my favourite movie of all time!), Scooby Doo, What A Girl Wants, and so on. (This was why we had classrooms as our stalls instead of a particular area in the Parade Square.)
Due to the fact that there wasn't much traffic at our stalls, Shermin, Jiayan, ChinKen and I went around with our food & drinks to sell them. We went all the way up to the fourth floor where the Haunted House was and sold most of the drinks! We mostly targetted those we know, especially teachers with coupons!
When we were back, the tables that were actually by classroom door was now somewhat on the corridor! Great thinking! Now even more people could even see our stalls. :D
We stopped after three rounds or so of selling the food and drinks, to take a break. This time, we went around to support other stalls. I loved the ice cream float from one class! Another class was selling 1-for-1 ice cream at the price of $1!
I've learnt that, working together as a class helps to bonds us even more closer. I'm really glad our Sec 3 camp was before Bv Bazaar, if not we would not have the support of everyone's to make it a success. Sec 3 Camp bonded us like never before, and I think it helped in making our stall such a success, in one way or another.
Around 4pm, everyone started to clean and clear up, which was not that easy because of the rain. Yet when everyone chipped in a little to help out, it makes a huge difference!
Then after we were done cleaning up, we left the school for Angeline's birthday party at her crib, which was very near school!
Had fun barbecuing after the rain stopped. There were also hot dogs! (haha) There were also nicely-marinated chicken wings by Angeline's mum, and satays! The bananas and the remaining food that was not sold during the Bazaar were all at Angeline's house too.
We played daidee by the pool side and played in the swimming pool. Angeline has a nice condominium!
I stayed till 9pm, then left with Jiayan, Amanda, Shermin and a few others.
Updated: Ms Koh said that our stall was one of the highest earners with an earning of $951!!!! GREAT JOB 3E2!!! :D
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