Alright, even if I wanna be faithful, I can't do that now, I gotta chiong for EOYs.
Or that can wait too.
Brekky with da brudder (who slaps my arm/ molested my thighs) is so much fun! From the minute I saw "him" after I came down the escalator, gossiping as we chomped on our "Tzuying" (HAHAHA) and then all the way till we had Physics extra lessons = me having a good time = I love ya man, brudder! *peace signs like what guys do*.
Then after Physics lesson, Shermin + Amanda & her bf (whom I does not wished to name) + Angeline + Derick + Zhenlu (3 of them are my future mahjong khakis!! Guess who? :D) took the train to Cityhall, because Line the bimbo (no offence, shopping partner!!!) wanna get her hot pencil box, and then Amanda & her bf (whom I does not wished to name) left for Plaza Singapura.
Shermin had her lunch at Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe (?) while the 3 of them were drinking Milk Tea, and the 4 of us were playing daidee & I was damn shocked that the person didn't chase us out or anything, and even offered to clear the drinks + plates so that we have the space to play! I think pigs just flew across my mind. Oh yes, and the many gossips that came along with it!
Then we went to Mac for ice cream and Zl ate there. Before that we were walking around especially in Topshop my gawd I want the bags & the shoes!!! Saw Jansen, David & Guosiong in Mac.
Then we went to walked around some more. Daidee Queen wanna shop with me! Wait till I'm out of debt and I have the $ first!! Then Line was hurrying to go home to go to some recital that her teacher paid for her. Shiok or not? Then Derick followed her to take train, while we three took bus.
On the way to the bus stop, these two women in wheelchairs came asking for directions and me & Shermin did a good deed today. We gave them more than directions. HAHA. We directed them in the opposite way than where they were going. GG to us.
Then we gossiped while waiting for 16. Shermin alighted first, then I alighted to take 15 at KC. :D
My lips are sealed, Zl. Who cares if your ears (or rather you typed mouth) are itchy? HAHAHA.
Alright. A proper post finally.
Now let's focused. On. E-learning. Quizzes.
I think thinking about it killed me already.
Bang bang.
x x x