Because I spent a lovely 8 hours in MP Lib, from 10am all the way to 6pm, studying SS ONLY! This is considered a feat because I hardly spent so much time on ONE subject and I, the self-declared Superwoman, spent so long one subject!!! But I don't know if it's productive, because I'm scared nothing went into my damn head. \:
Shermin & Jeremy came around 2pm, and then they two studied until 6 also, and the lucky thing was: they actually got tables & seats behind me, by occupying someone else's! Because this P5 boy wasn't even at the table at all, lol. (Later that boy came back and took his bag away HAHA.)
Saw a whole bunch of people at the Lib : Ali & Tiffany & Gunadi, and Darren & band ppl, and Jolene K. & bf, and Dionne & Caiying, and I saw Chen Zi Cai(sp?) !!! You know Xiang Yun's husband? HAHA.
Went to Parkway for food after that because I didn't have lunch, so we went to Giant and I tabao sushi home, and Jer treated me & Shermin Mcflurry! THANK YOU!
I don't seem to be worried about Chinese at all. Hmmmm.
P/s: MIAOWEN, Kekekeke I have no need to buy blusher already. :D