Monday, March 09, 2009

Been using the computer a lot more than usual. It has got to stop, before I find it hard to let go. But there are still things I need to do on the Net: 
  • Feb Journal (which I'm planning to type it out one of the days when I'm all alone and in sync with my inner peace) 
  • History research (which I better do today or there'll be no time tomorrow)
  • Blog.
Now I hope I won't get distracted. Hmmm

OH YES BEFORE I FORGET: Tzuying's new-born cousin born on the 29th Jan has the same name as me! YIXUAN! So it would be LEE YI XUAN! :D How cool is that?! Imagine the scene where I get to meet the cousin:

Me: "Hi! My name is Yixuan!"
Yixuan: "Hello hello my name is ALSO Yixuan!" HAHA OKAY LAME i just made that up! 

Should I post pictures? A bit lazy to eh.