Sunday, May 17, 2009

In the midst of copying Chinese compos. The rest think that it won't help, since I won't even remember what I copied, since I'm sorta copying blindly. But how else am I suppose to improve my writing skills? 用华文表达我的想法吗? 我都不知道我写的这一些对不对。-.-

I think I'm hopeless. 

Anyway, gotten back our MYE chinese results. Guess what I've gotten, even after going for tuition once a week since Feb and paying half or more though not 100 per cent of my attention in class (while the rest of the per cent were having fun with Kaylie Chriss Ryan)...


Yeah I am SO hopeless. 

& ppl like Ryan who hardly does his hw also get a C5!!!! EH UNFAIR TO THE MAX PLEASE. 

It's not like I'm not putting in effort eh. Wtfbbq. I guess I'm not aiming to go to JC anymore. Simply because my chinese CMI BIG TIME and Jc need to take chinese!

How can I jump at least 3 grades to get A2 or even an A1? 


x x x