Lessons started today, which wasn't that good (not) with me forgetting to bring my file which has the forms for admin stuffs!
But ya know, Ms Koh is very very very nice so I'm only giving it to her tomorrow. 
So the subjects I had today are FT (Ms Koh), English (Ms Tan, same like last year!), EMaths (Ms GohLC), AMaths (Ms G.Chia), PCCG/CME (Mrs C.Lua), Literature (MS SHARIFAH!!!!!!), & Assembly (videos from Cambodia + Sec 1 2008 Camp).
It's good to know that during recess we're still sitting with the same people.
After school was talking to Miss Leow about Choir stuffs, and then to Market for lunch with V & Lorraine. Then to EastPoint with Diana too, to get my English textbook! Gonna wrap it with wrapping paper because its all torn and stuffs, hahaha.
Home after that. Really really glad that the homework haven't started piling up. If not.. I'll be soooo dead.
x x x