& you know what, it was daaaaa BOMBSZXXSZXS!!!
Lovelovelove 3e2'o8 to the MAXXXXX!!
So we had Choir first. Before the rehearsal started, Ahtay & I rushed home to get the shoes because she didn't bring it along. She was my only hope of extra pair of shoes, because Mama doesn't want me to bring my brand new white shoes! THANKYOUVVVVVMUCH! I love her very much for that. Thank god for both times, we were rushing for Bus 12, and did not, I repeat, DID NOT, missed it! Hohoho, saved so much time ya know. So we took around 30 mins to and fro, and cam-whore on the way back. :D
Then when we reached school, I was damn upset by the fact that I'm not the same group as Jiayan! The third camp in Bv, in our third year, that we're still not in the same group! Well, at least we didn't break tradition! Hohoho. But it'd be really really special if we're in the same group, ha.
Rushed up to the hall, and took the keys from Gladys to go to the Music Room to put our stuffs, and chill. It's damn freaking hot please.
Then we went down, and listened to all the 6 songs and sing along to it. It's funny how once a song is stucked into your head, it'd always be there, even after two years, even though the last time you heard it was two years ago.
Then we revised the steps, with Ms McCully, the same lady who choreographed the steps last year. She's really really funny. After a while, I start to dread dancing the steps, because it's so damn hot in the damn hot&stuffy hall, and we're all sweating in our choir tee.
Eeting & Diana couldn't stop counting the time to St John's Island. I'm surprised at how fast (or rather, slow) the time passes. I couldn't help thinking what the campers are doing, what are we missing out, etc. Pre-camp-syndrome? I think so.
The props for the dance are really really lousy! Yet, the pink sarong thingy & the blue scarf-stick goes really well together! We got magenda poms poms instead of one silver and one magenda poms poms (that was for last two years).
All of us had to run around the hall, like the way we're suppose to enter during acts like NDP Parade, with our props. Really tiring, and the perspiration, omgwtfbbq.
We had a break at 11am, of sandwiches, chocolate puffs and itsy-bitsy fish fillet, and Chrysanthemum with White Tea. Then at 12pm, we had lunch and Chrysanthemum with White Tea, then we went up to the Music Room to chill, simply because there's an aircon, ha. Then at 2pm or so, we had a water break, which I still owe QiongYue 50cents!
After the final song & dance, we went back up to the Music Room to collect our stuffs. Then headed down to the canteen to put our valuables in the locker, then went straight up to the bus. Was soooo tired we fell asleep in the bus.
We only woke up when people, say Derick, woke us up. Waited at the pier, applied insect repellent. Damn shiok, because the spray is damn cooling. I tell you, my insect repellent is power!! Practically no major mosquitoes bites throughout the whole camp. :D
I was telling Vivian, I have 20 minutes to get over myself, to get over the fact that I'm not in the same group as Jy, that I'll still have fun no matter what, that I'll change my mindset about the groupings, and mainly the people in my group, that they won't affect me much, that I'll still enjoy myself!
Then we waited and waited, so damn boring, so damn long. Poor Miaowen the babelicious got seasick even before the ride. So we made her forget the seasick-ness, by telling her lame jokes I knew from bro's friend, Kevin/Kelvin (even Gladys's eyeballs were jammed alright), and having a karaoke session of all the familiar tunes on the ride itself. It was soo high at that point in time, & it remains sooooo high even after we got off the boat!!
Simply because I was surprised & shocked to see 3e2 (da beloved class of mine) waiting at the pier/jetty/harbour/dock/whatever-you-call-it and for a minute there I was thinking that they're prolly coming to fetch us, but no! They had a duty to do, and that is to carry up all the food & drinks that came together with us in the same boat. Sad to say those food & drinks they carried up strained their muscles, especially Jiayan's & Shermin's, I think? -.-
So we followed Lao Da (hahaha) up the slopes to where the campsite was and left our bags in the dorms/bunks/whatever-you-call-it & went to find our groups. It was already dinner-time and the food ain't bad, ain't bad at all.
Then my very first game of the day was this casualty challenge - Kidnap, where Zhenlu was kidnapped, when actually he only volunteered to help out with something, while Instructor Hippo & Morpeng/Motor entertained us. So after UglyAndrew briefed us on how to play the game, we went off to find Zhenlu, shouting his name, writing Instructor Ivy's name with our butt when told us to, going back to find UglyAndrew so that he could give us the key, 3 cheers to Hippies because we hit jackpot at the first attempt of guessing which key is it. Whooo!
Then we continued shouting his name, and did the 2nd (bursting balloons - but we cheated! HAHA), 3rd (I had to say everyone's name in the group including Ivy's with a peanut in my mouth), 4th (eh i don't remember but i think it was a puzzle or sth?) because we didn't hit jackpot again, but it's alright because we didn't give up, yo! Then we finally got our 2nd key and we released Zhenlu from the kitzhen (which we passed by almost all the time and I betcha he can hear us shouting his name so many times, lawl). The highlight of the game was when the guys had to carry him from the kitchen to the bball court and couldn't drop him until we solved the puzzle/UglyAndrew says so. Sad to say, none of us solved the very last puzzle which involves ten cats and 7 boxes. -.-
In between, poor Miaowen the babelicious fell into the drain, suffered some bad wounds and twisted her right ankle. She was crying away like nobody's business, and by the time I knew she fell, Jy was already w/ her. One instructor was putting medicine on her wounds which hurts soo much, and we the ones beside her could only cheer up. Jy's damn smart to think of not letting her go to Click Five concert if she continues tearing & I think that made her smile a little. :) Then I went off because the game continued. ):
UglyAndrew debriefed us, and then Amanda, Sherlyn, Jaime & Yours Truly hurry to shower. Thank you Luvisha veryveryveryvery much for your big-enough towel that managed to cover me, or rather the toilet, up because I was bathing in that cubicle that has no curtains!! & I did not wash my hair! So many people waiting for their turns, and I was damn lazy to take out the rubberband, wet my hair, shampoo & condition my hair, rinse my hair, & dry my hair, so yup.
Since there wasn't enough beds to go around, I found this spot between Jaime's bed & Jasmine's bed and slept with my sleeping bag there, and I was the only one w/o bed, and I fell asleep, worried that there'll be lizards on the ground because the sounds they made were so loud.
Thankyou Sweetheart
Woke up after all the noises from the people, especially Jamie's, grrr. Went to brush my teeth, etc Then gathered at the bball court. A lot of people were already there.
Had morning workout. We did 100 (and more) Buddha Claps. Then we had to jog around the campsite, down and up the slopes. Then we had breakfast, which was buns and slices of chocolate spongecake (?) and I got a packet of Mango. :D
Next, had this Amazing Race/Casualty Challenge. The very first one (against 3e1) was called Lost Shepard, where people from Hippies like Chris, Zhenlu, Jeremy were blindfolded and had to feel the floor to pick up alphabets to form words (Fever, Bedok View & one more I don't remember). It was tiring shouting directions to them, and it's a little pekchek when they couldn't hear the directions. Bravo to them when they can hear! :D
The highlight of this game, was when Zhenlu had to do forfeit - a banana dance with Jestyn, that hyped up the whole crowd becausee Zhenlu was soooo sporting and enthu about the dance that he did it so well! -claps!
(I don't remember when we had lunch! & all the blogs I hopped to didn't mention lunch too!!! But it was good because it was inside the cage, so there was shade, if not we couldn't tahan the heat if we were to sit at the bball court. But it was all very cramp so it wasn't any better. & we had MANGO PUDDING! Another hope of civilisitation! Diana & Ahtay would know what I'm talking about, hahaha.)
After a few more activities, going around the campsite, with the guys piggybacking Jeremy/Afiq, and Sherlyn/Jaime/YoursTruly piggybacking Amanda (read: da super light one), and us cracking our brains to solve some of the puzzles, etc.
The very last activity that I was so proud of is the 2-level Human Pyramid! Only Ara, Chris & Yours Truly weren't in it. All the guys (excluding Chris), Jaime & Sherlyn were the base, and the rest of the girls were on top.
We finally finished the challenges!
We went to the girl's dorm 5 (which is my bunk) to do camp preparations! Which was daaaa bombszxszxs as all of us were damn high learning the dance from Jestyn, singing and dancing "Upside Down, Inside Out", and the NPCC/NCC/Campcraft cheer taught by Tzuying in a short while. Needless to say, all of us were perspiring like shit, but it doesn't even matter if the preparations eat into our wash-up time because we weren't even planning to clean up. Really really glad that 3e2 were veryveryveryvery cooperative and I mustmustmust say that we bonded like never before!
Headed back to the bball court, and chit-chat a little with Ms Goh & Mdm Wang aka my chinese teacher. Then gathered with the class, and we headed down the slope to have dinner at another basketball court, lol. Dinner was good, and we had apples! :D The floor was so white and dirty that my school PE shorts were white!! The place was actually very dark and you couldn't see the instructors at all, but there were torch lights shining at them so yup. Had another session of entertainment by Hippo&Morpeng, HAHA.
After that, we headed up the slope, and back to the usual bball court where they set up the campfire already. Jy went to get her torch light and we settled down with the class, waiting for the camp fire to start. Daanish was sitting on the other side of me, which wasn't a good idea AT ALL because he kept poking me! Even Zhenlu who was on the other side of Daanish kept poking me! & Derick who was sitting behind me also kept poking me! Tsktsk.
(This whole part is the HIGHLIGHT OF THE SEC 3 CAMP!)
The campfire started with Mr Boo the P lighting up the camp fire with the torch, and then performances by each class started! I liked how we won't get bored by waiting for the other performances to start because we're occupied doing cheers and whatnot.
3e2 was the last few to perform (thank god), and you know what, it the BESTESTEST part of camp because we had no troubles, we just gave it our best shot, being so high, being soooo bonded together etc!!!!!!!!!!! We even (almost forgot to) dedicate the Barney song to Jestyn & Ivy!
I don't really give a damn how the crowd think of us and the dance, our cheers because what matters most is that we're having fun, having more fun than anyone else, than those that might have won, than anything in the world!!!
After all the performances, Chief Andrew got the instructors to say something to their respective groups, which all of us were really touched by it!!! There was even a video of all the candid photos, hahaha. (Thank god I wasn't in it!!)
The campfire ended with a speech by Mr Boo (? I don't remember!!!!)
Washed up, and for the 2nd night in a row, I did not wash my hair!! Because so many people waiting for their turns, and I was damn lazy to take out the rubberband, wet my hair, shampoo & condition my hair, rinse my hair, & dry my hair, so yup.
Due to the fact that Miaowen the babelicious went home in the afternoon because of her twisted ankle, Gwen & Chieh Lee moved over to her side of the bunk, and thus I got a bed!! Slept beside Charmaine and I got her SE phone to play games! :D
Snooozed after that.
Woke up, washed up, packed bags, and left for the bball court. Jiayan applied my insect repellent and it was powerrr!!! Read: She did not kena mosquitoe bites for the rest of the day. :D
Brekky was either kaya bun or tao sa bun & Soya Bean Drink. Not that good, but it's okay, because the worse part was Hippies had to WASH TOILETS! Actually it wasn't that bad. My nose isn't as sensitive, so the toilet seemed to be of no smell to me.
(Jiayan's one damn sensitive please! Even after 2 days of not washing my hair, she can still recognise the shampoo smell I used 2 days ago! I don't know how she did it, but yeahhhh, it makes me think that my hair wasn't smelly at all!! HAHAHA)
Lacking of resources to wash the toilets makes us wash it after a long time. Weijie the Hero helped us to flush the toilets because all of us were scared especially since one toilet bowl has a dead cockroach inside!! & he even picked up this bun! Disgusting people, eat also don't know how to eat properly. -.-
Ara, Nanah, Sherlyn, Jasmine & I were trying to pour the water with the pails & a broom to get rid of the sand. So after the guys washed up the showering area, they came over, barefooted (no idea how they can stand it, but hey, it's a male toilet, and they are guys after all, haha) & helped us cleaned the toilets!! So it was done in a jiffy because there were so so many helping hands! :D
I was quite wet, and so was Ara, Amanda, Jeremy! Thank god my white fbts dries very fast & it wasn't see-thru, HAHA. Then we gathered outside and Jestyn made Ivy wet, & Jeremy was even wetter too! -.- I took the pails and was about to fill it with water, Group 4 ran back to the bball court. Lousy!!!!
Back to the cage. Prize-giving ceremony for Best Group, Best Female Camper, Best Male Camper! Guesss who won? Congrats to Group 7/8 - 3e4! for Best Group! Hauyan for Best Female Camper and this guy from 3e9!
Then we took our bags, and walked down the slope. I MISS CAMP!!! Kinda nostalgic leaving the campsite, lol. Seeing Mrs Lua with the umbrella (& from what I heard from Jy) sooo hilarious!! 3e2 was the last class to leave the campsite, and the last to board the ferry/boat. We were still damn high, singing the Crazy Charmaine song, shouting cheers, especially the UglyAndrew one. HAHAHA.
Board the boat/ferry, with 3n6, and part of 3e2. The other part boarded the long ride one, all the way to Kusu Island and then to Marina South Pier. Tzuying & Shermin were busy doing cheers, & I couldn't catch up with them! Lol.
Gathered at the pier, and waited for the other part of the class. I fell alseep while waiting so restless. Lol. Then Mrs Tiu gave us titbits!! Like Pringles and Chips More. So shiok. :D
Then after very very long, after the other part of 3e2 reached the pier, after waiting for some time again, we board the coach back to school! It was very very high then! Jestyn & Ivy were still leading us with some cheers!! Damn highhhh!!!!!1
Reached school, and the whole Sec 3 cohort was still at the canteen, doing cheers, having some kind of battle, damn exciting!! Took some letters, and then hang around school. Gladys came to give me my valuables from the locker, then she gave out the tickets for Enchanting Moments.
Then Jy waited for Vivian, Diana & I, then we headed off to EastPoint for lunch at LJS via Mrt with all our luggages, lol. Left for home after that, via the Mrt again.
Kor came home a little later than me, so I managed to bloghopped a bit, Facebook a little, and Friendster a while. HAHA.
Caught my beauty sleep from 5-8pm.
I want to play Viwawa!!!!!
Aye, school tomorrow! Collecting report books!!! ):
x x x