Tests. Tests. Tests. Tests. EMaths. Chemistry. Physics. AMaths. Today. Yesterday. Exams. Next next week. Cannot breathe. Shagged. Dead beat. Cannot wait for Taiwan trip. Cannot wait to shop. Cannot wait to chill. Need to update more. De-stress. Remedials. Tuition. Please. Need all the help I can get. Miss GChia? Miss GYY? Please? Screams. And. Shouts. Cannot take it. Anymore!
Okay everything sucks now.
Chem test sucks: I drew the cooling curve wrongly. + I have to ti-kam for 2 of the MCQs.
Physics test sucks too: Stupid errors that I name wrongly, & stupid standard forms which I didn't calculate correctly.
EMaths: Not that sucky, but I didn't complete two Qns which means I suck too right?!
AMaths: The killer subject so far that I could not catch up with! & hell, it's MATHS okay!! Pfft.
(Let's hope CT1 would be easy-peasy. Hmmmm.)
Choir sucks now too. & hell, it used to be what I look forward to after school ALL THE TIME. Now I dread it. I guess there's a limit for everything, & when you're over that limit, ITS OVER!
Cheerleading - Wednesday's lunch with the bunch of them brightens up my life! Ahtay + Lesley + Uncle That Sells Kopi + Joel + My Grandma + Shirin + Shasha &&&& Yayah has Apple Mac Laptop which means PHOTOBOOOTH & cam-whore sessions of all sorts for us! :D
Cheerleading had never been this fun! Whoohoo!
Finally a breather for me, for now, for the time being. & I'm gonna waste it by blogging & Facebook-ing & sleeping early! :D
Let's hope tomorrow's CME lesson would be very fun still!
x x x
P/s: 1 week + 2 days to MY SPECIAL DAY!
P/p/s: Wants something RED! :D (Not apples okay! HAHAHA)
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
And all the secrets that we've kept, have kept us from the best of this.
Forgot to mention this in my previous post: All the songs in my Soundaholic are gone! The only ones I couldn't get back are those which I got from Diana, which I can actually get back if I go to her cribz during the holidays because I didn't upload it to the laptop/ download them. Easy-peasy, no worries!
Insecurities: Uncountable
Stress level: Uncountable
Shagged: 1
Homework done: 0
Homework NOT done: Uncountable
Posted: 2
Playing With You - Chris Brown: 49 & counting ever since Jasper sent me just now.
Facebook Applications cleared: 0
Facebook Applications sent: 0
Friendster comments sent: 1
Friendster profiles viewed: Lost count and (not) counting
Heaven&Earth Jasmine Green tea: 1
Pictures taken today with Ahting & Kor in the car: 4
Pictures taken today with Valencia & Vernetta: 8
Pictures taken with Ahting's new Canon Ixus 75: 12 and more.
x x x
Insecurities: Uncountable
Stress level: Uncountable
Shagged: 1
Homework done: 0
Homework NOT done: Uncountable
Posted: 2
Playing With You - Chris Brown: 49 & counting ever since Jasper sent me just now.
Facebook Applications cleared: 0
Facebook Applications sent: 0
Friendster comments sent: 1
Friendster profiles viewed: Lost count and (not) counting
Heaven&Earth Jasmine Green tea: 1
Pictures taken today with Ahting & Kor in the car: 4
Pictures taken today with Valencia & Vernetta: 8
Pictures taken with Ahting's new Canon Ixus 75: 12 and more.
x x x
Friday, January 25, 2008
All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.
Trying to clear all my Facebook applications which has accumulated to 150++ and people I don't mind you sending me because it doesn't bores me, plus I have nothing else to do now, besides homework & the upcoming tests which I'll put it right below and all the way down my Must-Dos (hey at least it's still s must do okay!).
Life's a drag today, and the past few days had been so shagged! Must be the lack of sleep. Really miss the holidays where I sleep for 12 hours & more a day till after-noon some more, now have to be up before 6am even!
Actually school's not that bad, mainly because of the lovely peeps in 3e2 that makes everyday oh-so-fun! Special shoutouts to all of them because they never fail to make the days in class lovelier!
Choir on Thursday was the funniestestest because it's the first practise for the newcomers including Charmaine, (& you know so sad: Zhenlu's in Drama Club??!!, pffffffft tsktsktsk) My point is, all of us were kinda high & horny & we polluted Charmaine's mind! HAHAHA. I know we're a bunch of damn fun (& horny) seniors! :D
I saw the JAE Booklet, and if I'm going to get in Ngee Ann Poly for Mass Comm, (the exact same course that Ahting studied) I'm gonna have to score A1-B3 for English, and A1-C6 for 4 other subjects, and Literature/Combined Humanities/Combined Sciences (if I'm not wrong) is one of the necessary requirements for me to meet. Ha, so glad I got into 3e2 with my first choice subject combinations!
Kor said that when Ahting aplied for that course, she was interviewed before the peepo at Ngee Ann accepted her. Guess I have to be interviewed too.
I don't know why I got an organizer when I hardly update it ????? So dumb of me. Ha
So I should start updating it regularly like many times a day, to record all the important To-Dos assignments and all the other necessary stuffs.
AhTay said something today which made me realise that I don't spend my time wisely. Like, I would participate every event & go out all the time & thus lessening the time for studies = very very bad time management! Plus I'd spend my whole afternoon on one assignment. Stupid stupid. Need to learn how to do my assignments till perfection in the shortest time possible! Sigh.
Sometimes I find it so hard to breathe, too much to take into my stride, too much to cope, too much to handle. Stress ah stress, I have enough white hairs already, stop increasing the amount!
Oh, I had so much fun with Ahtay & Miaowen at EastPoint after school, with Mw eating LJS & our Rotijohns were so w-o-l-s that when Mw finished at the corner, our orders are still not here yet! Tsk. My Rotijohns are da bombszx!! Then went to Popular to find A Midsummer Night's Dream (English version) but they don't have it hurrrr. ):
Then went to Changi Rise's clubhouse to mug for a while, then left for home with Mw and you know we had so much on Bus 9 that we don't want to alight the bus at Tanah Merah, thinking that we still can catch the train at Bedok, where 9 terminates, HAHAHA.
SORRY AHTAY! Don't worry, you're not tou ming at all unlike me! :D Love you!
So yeah, caught the train and 155ed home! Then left house at 6plus to meet Darl at Eunos platform to go to Marina Square to fix my Soundaholic cause suddenly I couldn't on it!!!!!! Pfft, plus my warranty ends on the 31st, & today is the 25th! Ha cheapskate. & special thanks to Jansen Yip who tried to help me fix the mp3 in school today! :D
So the guy at Creative said that I have to collect it two hours later which means around 9.30pm but I'm leaving early, so Darl helped me to collect it, and then I excused myself because her bf arrived. LOL.
Thank so much Darl! Meet up again before I leave Taiwan because today don't count & we didn't take pictures with your pretty new hair cut! Ha
Bought bbt on the way home. :D
Anna (cousin) bought Coffee Prince's DVDS! So I watched the ending already. Damn stupid, but damn sweet huh. Mama couldn't stop lauging, and I tell you, her laugh is damn crazy one. -.-
Such a long post. Lol.
Love ya peeps.
x x x
You make me fall in love,
And now I know I can't be the only one,
I bet there heart's all over the world tonight,
With the love of they life who feel..
What I feel when I'm with you
Life's a drag today, and the past few days had been so shagged! Must be the lack of sleep. Really miss the holidays where I sleep for 12 hours & more a day till after-noon some more, now have to be up before 6am even!
Actually school's not that bad, mainly because of the lovely peeps in 3e2 that makes everyday oh-so-fun! Special shoutouts to all of them because they never fail to make the days in class lovelier!
Choir on Thursday was the funniestestest because it's the first practise for the newcomers including Charmaine, (& you know so sad: Zhenlu's in Drama Club??!!, pffffffft tsktsktsk) My point is, all of us were kinda high & horny & we polluted Charmaine's mind! HAHAHA. I know we're a bunch of damn fun (& horny) seniors! :D
I saw the JAE Booklet, and if I'm going to get in Ngee Ann Poly for Mass Comm, (the exact same course that Ahting studied) I'm gonna have to score A1-B3 for English, and A1-C6 for 4 other subjects, and Literature/Combined Humanities/Combined Sciences (if I'm not wrong) is one of the necessary requirements for me to meet. Ha, so glad I got into 3e2 with my first choice subject combinations!
Kor said that when Ahting aplied for that course, she was interviewed before the peepo at Ngee Ann accepted her. Guess I have to be interviewed too.
I don't know why I got an organizer when I hardly update it ????? So dumb of me. Ha
So I should start updating it regularly like many times a day, to record all the important To-Dos assignments and all the other necessary stuffs.
AhTay said something today which made me realise that I don't spend my time wisely. Like, I would participate every event & go out all the time & thus lessening the time for studies = very very bad time management! Plus I'd spend my whole afternoon on one assignment. Stupid stupid. Need to learn how to do my assignments till perfection in the shortest time possible! Sigh.
Sometimes I find it so hard to breathe, too much to take into my stride, too much to cope, too much to handle. Stress ah stress, I have enough white hairs already, stop increasing the amount!
Oh, I had so much fun with Ahtay & Miaowen at EastPoint after school, with Mw eating LJS & our Rotijohns were so w-o-l-s that when Mw finished at the corner, our orders are still not here yet! Tsk. My Rotijohns are da bombszx!! Then went to Popular to find A Midsummer Night's Dream (English version) but they don't have it hurrrr. ):
Then went to Changi Rise's clubhouse to mug for a while, then left for home with Mw and you know we had so much on Bus 9 that we don't want to alight the bus at Tanah Merah, thinking that we still can catch the train at Bedok, where 9 terminates, HAHAHA.
SORRY AHTAY! Don't worry, you're not tou ming at all unlike me! :D Love you!
So yeah, caught the train and 155ed home! Then left house at 6plus to meet Darl at Eunos platform to go to Marina Square to fix my Soundaholic cause suddenly I couldn't on it!!!!!! Pfft, plus my warranty ends on the 31st, & today is the 25th! Ha cheapskate. & special thanks to Jansen Yip who tried to help me fix the mp3 in school today! :D
So the guy at Creative said that I have to collect it two hours later which means around 9.30pm but I'm leaving early, so Darl helped me to collect it, and then I excused myself because her bf arrived. LOL.
Thank so much Darl! Meet up again before I leave Taiwan because today don't count & we didn't take pictures with your pretty new hair cut! Ha
Bought bbt on the way home. :D
Anna (cousin) bought Coffee Prince's DVDS! So I watched the ending already. Damn stupid, but damn sweet huh. Mama couldn't stop lauging, and I tell you, her laugh is damn crazy one. -.-
Such a long post. Lol.
Love ya peeps.
x x x
You make me fall in love,
And now I know I can't be the only one,
I bet there heart's all over the world tonight,
With the love of they life who feel..
What I feel when I'm with you
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I've hoped for change, but still I feel the same.
A real quick one here, before Kor's home, before I can really focus on my assignments. Need to take a breather because its already the damn Wednesday, and before you know it, it's going to be the end of Term 1, and you know your results already, (which many not be good, in my case).
Thankyou Sherlyn for your Amath notebook! :D
Cheerleading practise today, didn't do much, practise some stunts, and SERENA came!!! With her laptop and the greeeen poms poms! :D
Really glad to see you babe!
I reached home around 8pm. If I'm going to reach home this late every single day I'll flunk & maybe even retained!!!!
Wo bu shi tou ming de!
x x x
Thankyou Sherlyn for your Amath notebook! :D
Cheerleading practise today, didn't do much, practise some stunts, and SERENA came!!! With her laptop and the greeeen poms poms! :D
Really glad to see you babe!
I reached home around 8pm. If I'm going to reach home this late every single day I'll flunk & maybe even retained!!!!
Wo bu shi tou ming de!
x x x
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Because I don't wanna regret, regret, regret.
1. Stop replying so much on my locker!
2. Stop MSN/Friendster/Facebook -ing when I'm supposed to do school-related stuffs!
3. Stop sleeping at 12 mn!
4. Stop wanting to use the computer!
5. Stop watching Heroes/Grey's Anatomy(Kill me please, but if I watched I'll sleep at 12mn!!!!!)!!
6. Start bringing my books home to REVISE REVISE REVISE!!
7. Start locking up the laptop & desktop and throw the damn key away (Yes kill me now!)
8. Start packing my bags/ironing my clothes/doing the necessasities as early as possible!!
Sadly, I don't know what I'm gonna revise for, since I don't even know what I've learnt in class. )':
Jiayan didn't come school today, because she's sick. Think she's better already. HOPE YOU RECOVERS QUICKLY AND NO MORE COUGH OKAY! (Then we can officially start eating sweets, not Strepsils, & YOUR BELOVED BAK KUA!! :D) The same goes to Gladys! Though she still came to school!
Went to NAPS today to do CIP. First trip of year 2008. I didn't managed to finish up my homework there, but I exercised! Not alot but I perspired!
Cheerleading tomorrow, & Serena is coming to help! YESSS! Looking forward to see you babe! :D
Shit: that's the word to describe my current situation now.
YAY! Going to take a class photo on Thurs during FT to replace the class blog picture! Wheeee!!!
Okay I'm done here.
x x x
1. Stop replying so much on my locker!
2. Stop MSN/Friendster/Facebook -ing when I'm supposed to do school-related stuffs!
3. Stop sleeping at 12 mn!
4. Stop wanting to use the computer!
5. Stop watching Heroes/Grey's Anatomy(Kill me please, but if I watched I'll sleep at 12mn!!!!!)!!
6. Start bringing my books home to REVISE REVISE REVISE!!
7. Start locking up the laptop & desktop and throw the damn key away (Yes kill me now!)
8. Start packing my bags/ironing my clothes/doing the necessasities as early as possible!!
Sadly, I don't know what I'm gonna revise for, since I don't even know what I've learnt in class. )':
Jiayan didn't come school today, because she's sick. Think she's better already. HOPE YOU RECOVERS QUICKLY AND NO MORE COUGH OKAY! (Then we can officially start eating sweets, not Strepsils, & YOUR BELOVED BAK KUA!! :D) The same goes to Gladys! Though she still came to school!
Went to NAPS today to do CIP. First trip of year 2008. I didn't managed to finish up my homework there, but I exercised! Not alot but I perspired!
Cheerleading tomorrow, & Serena is coming to help! YESSS! Looking forward to see you babe! :D
Shit: that's the word to describe my current situation now.
YAY! Going to take a class photo on Thurs during FT to replace the class blog picture! Wheeee!!!
Okay I'm done here.
x x x
Sunday, January 20, 2008
The saddest part of a broken heart isn't the ending so much as the start.
Replies -
Sheryl, hey hey hey! :D
Ara, yup will link you up when I have the time!
Nana, HEHE everyone wants nice nice ones don't they? We'll see what the class thinks yeah. :D
Daphne, thanks so much! :D
Eeting, hello back love! Yup! :D
No time to post. Just a quick one here. Hopefully the coming week won't be as crazy, & that I'll reach home earlier, and not around 8pm.
Kor & Sukwan just came home from wake boarding from Batam. Anyway my point is: HE'S FINALLY CHAOTA!!!!! You know there's a couple of times he tried to tan by lying in the balcony, but like, fei-luo okay! Then this time really TAN, OVER-TAN! Like, red patches on his body everywhere and its uneven some more! HAHAHA okay this is hilarious!!
You'll laugh if you saw my reaction when I saw his bod, which was: "WHOA!" -chuckles.
I've tons & tons of stuffs to do! Like finishing up my English duty roster! & finishing up For One More Day! & all of my homework: Chinese (another damn compo), Amaths (REDO notebook!!!), Social Studies, History Online Ws, shop for CNY/Taiwan trip (did I mention Bestf's also going to Taipei, the exact same place I'm going? Omg can't believe we're gonna spend CNY at the same place! Gonna find a way where we can communicate there so we can meet up!!!!! I'm not bringing my phone though), &&& my WeiXiao Pasta which I've been neglecting for so-damn-long and who knows the coming week there's gonna be a big pile of homework to do!!
Oh yeah, CT1 are less than a month, and I don't think I've learnt anything yet. The only productive lessons these days are Emaths, a bit of Chem, a bit of Lit, and that's it. Damnit, this is freaking me out this is suppose to be a short post okay this is suppose to help me de-stress this is not helping me de-stress!!
Lazy to use the smileys. Hehehee.
x x x
P/s: Jiayan & Zhenlu, no time to do your quiz(s)! HAHA. Maybe the next coming weekend okay!
Sheryl, hey hey hey! :D
Ara, yup will link you up when I have the time!
Nana, HEHE everyone wants nice nice ones don't they? We'll see what the class thinks yeah. :D
Daphne, thanks so much! :D
Eeting, hello back love! Yup! :D
No time to post. Just a quick one here. Hopefully the coming week won't be as crazy, & that I'll reach home earlier, and not around 8pm.
Kor & Sukwan just came home from wake boarding from Batam. Anyway my point is: HE'S FINALLY CHAOTA!!!!! You know there's a couple of times he tried to tan by lying in the balcony, but like, fei-luo okay! Then this time really TAN, OVER-TAN! Like, red patches on his body everywhere and its uneven some more! HAHAHA okay this is hilarious!!
You'll laugh if you saw my reaction when I saw his bod, which was: "WHOA!" -chuckles.
I've tons & tons of stuffs to do! Like finishing up my English duty roster! & finishing up For One More Day! & all of my homework: Chinese (another damn compo), Amaths (REDO notebook!!!), Social Studies, History Online Ws, shop for CNY/Taiwan trip (did I mention Bestf's also going to Taipei, the exact same place I'm going? Omg can't believe we're gonna spend CNY at the same place! Gonna find a way where we can communicate there so we can meet up!!!!! I'm not bringing my phone though), &&& my WeiXiao Pasta which I've been neglecting for so-damn-long and who knows the coming week there's gonna be a big pile of homework to do!!
Oh yeah, CT1 are less than a month, and I don't think I've learnt anything yet. The only productive lessons these days are Emaths, a bit of Chem, a bit of Lit, and that's it. Damnit, this is freaking me out this is suppose to be a short post okay this is suppose to help me de-stress this is not helping me de-stress!!
Lazy to use the smileys. Hehehee.
x x x
P/s: Jiayan & Zhenlu, no time to do your quiz(s)! HAHA. Maybe the next coming weekend okay!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
My head is spinning but my heart is in the right place.
Serena, yup okay sure! Will let ya know when we officially start practise ya!
Valerie, THANK YOU! :D
Diana, hahahaha okay will remove the 2nd one!
Kaylie, ALAMAK dieeee okay gotta get the price sooon sooon.
Nana, definitely! & YAY STILL GOT TWO MORE DAYSS!! WHEEE! :D
During Chem today, Miss Koh created a class blog to talk about doing CIP as a class, & yay I got access to it & I posted already! But I didn't post about CIP, but it's a class blog so I posted something else, hahahaha. :D
Cheerleading Workshop today was da bombzxs! Learnt some basics moves & jumps, and I better practise, practise, practise! If not very lau-kui eh. Lol. All the pyramids the coaches taught us were nothing new, just that we have to learn the correct way to do it, with safety in mind of course. Overall, it was damn fun and very worth the money and yay there's still two more days of practises! :)
Went to EastPoint with V & C by train to get some stuffs from Popular but they don't have the black file that I want, so tabao-ed KFC which I've been craving for so long and head home. My cheese fries not nice already & wtfish the price increased because of GST or the flour?!?!?! But anyways it doesn't make sense so heck, I had a good dinner minus the cheese fries only.
Grey's in 10 minutes! Whoohoo! (Wonders if Miss Koh also got stay up late to watch, hehehe.)
x x x
Serena, yup okay sure! Will let ya know when we officially start practise ya!
Valerie, THANK YOU! :D
Diana, hahahaha okay will remove the 2nd one!
Kaylie, ALAMAK dieeee okay gotta get the price sooon sooon.
Nana, definitely! & YAY STILL GOT TWO MORE DAYSS!! WHEEE! :D
During Chem today, Miss Koh created a class blog to talk about doing CIP as a class, & yay I got access to it & I posted already! But I didn't post about CIP, but it's a class blog so I posted something else, hahahaha. :D
Cheerleading Workshop today was da bombzxs! Learnt some basics moves & jumps, and I better practise, practise, practise! If not very lau-kui eh. Lol. All the pyramids the coaches taught us were nothing new, just that we have to learn the correct way to do it, with safety in mind of course. Overall, it was damn fun and very worth the money and yay there's still two more days of practises! :)
Went to EastPoint with V & C by train to get some stuffs from Popular but they don't have the black file that I want, so tabao-ed KFC which I've been craving for so long and head home. My cheese fries not nice already & wtfish the price increased because of GST or the flour?!?!?! But anyways it doesn't make sense so heck, I had a good dinner minus the cheese fries only.
Grey's in 10 minutes! Whoohoo! (Wonders if Miss Koh also got stay up late to watch, hehehe.)
x x x
Monday, January 14, 2008
Hold my hand, I'll take you to a place where you can be anything you wanna be.
It was one hell of a very high-strung day because (according to Miaowen) I wore my contacts!!!! Resulting in me being very outspoken and damnit I can't help it I was soooo damnnn high & no I'm not on drugs!
We had to perform twice for the Sec 1s, which went fine, except for one part where Esther sang wrongly and I burst out laughing/smiling very widely, and Ms Jayme saw okay!!!!!
After that, I was even high-er because Miss Leow started talking about performing for NDP(!!!!!!!! OMFG I WANT TO GOOOOOO I DONT CARE ABOUT THE COLD KFC I WANT TO GOO I WANT TO OVERTAN MYSELF AND BECOME CHAOTA HAHAHAHA), and selling roses for V DAY (AHHHH EXACTLY A MONTH!!!), & going to KL to perform (AHHH YEAH I WANT TO GO TOOOO!!!) & now you know why I'm soooo high omg I'm even talking in caps with so many exclamation marks!!!!!!!!
Bitchings with Sweetheart on the way home. LOVE YOU!!!!
I'm sooo glad because I just finished up my Chinese compo which I bet sucked!!! HAHA.
x x x
We had to perform twice for the Sec 1s, which went fine, except for one part where Esther sang wrongly and I burst out laughing/smiling very widely, and Ms Jayme saw okay!!!!!
After that, I was even high-er because Miss Leow started talking about performing for NDP(!!!!!!!! OMFG I WANT TO GOOOOOO I DONT CARE ABOUT THE COLD KFC I WANT TO GOO I WANT TO OVERTAN MYSELF AND BECOME CHAOTA HAHAHAHA), and selling roses for V DAY (AHHHH EXACTLY A MONTH!!!), & going to KL to perform (AHHH YEAH I WANT TO GO TOOOO!!!) & now you know why I'm soooo high omg I'm even talking in caps with so many exclamation marks!!!!!!!!
Bitchings with Sweetheart on the way home. LOVE YOU!!!!
I'm sooo glad because I just finished up my Chinese compo which I bet sucked!!! HAHA.
x x x
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Now I just act like I don't remember, while she acts like she don't care,
Replies -
ZhenLu, hahahaha so do I! :D
Nana, of course you've seen it before! I asked you for your opinions yes? Hahahaha :D
Jiayan, that's why I'm using it! :D
Miaowen, thanks! You rock my socks too! :D
Diana, yeah! But next week got cheerleading so we'll see how okay! :D
This is sooo frustrating. I don't know how to do my chinese compo, I don't know how to do the History online homework, I don't know how to do my AMaths, I don't know how to start on my Lit text, I feel so dumb so useless!
Time check: 6.01pm. Think I don't have to sleep tonight already. Yawnz. Worst still, there's History, Lit, EMaths, & the damn Chinese!! After this I'll go wrap my lit text, because I can't stand the illustration, ha!
OH YES: BRING TIE!! Hehe no worries because it's in my bag all along. :D
x x x
ZhenLu, hahahaha so do I! :D
Nana, of course you've seen it before! I asked you for your opinions yes? Hahahaha :D
Jiayan, that's why I'm using it! :D
Miaowen, thanks! You rock my socks too! :D
Diana, yeah! But next week got cheerleading so we'll see how okay! :D
Arrange File- Redo AMaths Nb
- AMaths Hw (AHHHH damn hard!)
- Chinese Compo
- Physics Wb
Emaths Hw- Read: A Midsummer Night's Dream Act One Scene
1& 2 - Wrap!
- History Online Hw
- Chinese Hols Hw (Note to self: WAY OVERDUEEE!! Actually Mdm Wang didn't ask for it till next week so...)
This is sooo frustrating. I don't know how to do my chinese compo, I don't know how to do the History online homework, I don't know how to do my AMaths, I don't know how to start on my Lit text, I feel so dumb so useless!
Time check: 6.01pm. Think I don't have to sleep tonight already. Yawnz. Worst still, there's History, Lit, EMaths, & the damn Chinese!! After this I'll go wrap my lit text, because I can't stand the illustration, ha!
OH YES: BRING TIE!! Hehe no worries because it's in my bag all along. :D
x x x
Saturday, January 12, 2008
You bring your laugh and I'll bring my sense of humor
Nica came over to my cribz today and we watched Coffee Prince! For a total of six episodes! Which is about 6 hours(?). Then we had PizzaHat Delivery for dinner, includes Honey roasted wings, Hawaiian & Ocean Catch. Super yummy I swear.
The photos we took today are so fun, pillow fights and popcorns and all. Then Nica walked home around 8plus, I walked with her till EastShore.
Would be watching "Oh my darling, oh my darling" later! HAHAHAHA.
you Nica! XOXO!
The photos we took today are so fun, pillow fights and popcorns and all. Then Nica walked home around 8plus, I walked with her till EastShore.
Would be watching "Oh my darling, oh my darling" later! HAHAHAHA.
Friday, January 11, 2008
I've got my heart set on anywhere but here,
Lessons today felt damn short = times passes damn fast! Or maybe because our recess is the last 2nd period of the day.
AMaths is seriously getting harder. I repeat: How am I going to catch up?
V didn't go for Choir today.
Miss Jaime/Jamie is super uber hip & fun yo! (People will disagree, heck.) Damnit, we don't even call her by her surname? How cool is that?! She even danced around and stuffs, which no conductor ever did before. Even Mr O'Leary don't. I think it's the first time I laughed so hard after Miss Lee left(?). She picked Amanda & Try & Yours Truly to stand in front of the whole choir &.. CONDUCT! Which was hilarious, & I can't stop laughing because we've never conduct before. So all we did was stand in front and just sing, no conducting, nada, zilch. Try says she's very assuring, which is all good.
Then after she left, choir was dismissed after hanging around a while, and then we left for Mw's house, which was very good because the 3 of us clicked very well as a threesome!
We had maggie mee at her house, because we were hungry, hahaha. Then used the computer, Youtube, Myspace, Facebook, Msn, Blogger (Lit), Cam-whoring in her toilet (HAHA!!), and even more chit-chat!
A: How long you stay in there?
Mw: 4 years
A: HUH? I mean the bathtub?
(Something along those lines, damn funny, refers to above^)
Then around 6plus, we left her house, and then walked to the Mrt, then trained & bus-ed home. Amanda alighted at Eunos too, so she can see Lucy(!!), & made me missed the bus! HAHA, no lah, she also missed alot of buses thanks to me, because I made her wait with me.

Many many XOXO with
s to Amanda & Miaowen! Really enjoyed myself today, the next time we'll go to your house and swim!!! (Damnit, your house has 4 pools, and I only have one. So die die must goooo!)
One last thing: YESSSSS DAAAAAAA WEEEEEEEKENDS ARRREEEE HEREEREERE (which is jam packed with homeworks ZZZZZ).
x x x
AMaths is seriously getting harder. I repeat: How am I going to catch up?
V didn't go for Choir today.
Then after she left, choir was dismissed after hanging around a while, and then we left for Mw's house, which was very good because the 3 of us clicked very well as a threesome!
A: How long you stay in there?
Mw: 4 years
A: HUH? I mean the bathtub?
(Something along those lines, damn funny, refers to above^)
Then around 6plus, we left her house, and then walked to the Mrt, then trained & bus-ed home. Amanda alighted at Eunos too, so she can see Lucy(!!), & made me missed the bus! HAHA, no lah, she also missed alot of buses thanks to me, because I made her wait with me.
Many many XOXO with
One last thing: YESSSSS DAAAAAAA WEEEEEEEKENDS ARRREEEE HEREEREERE (which is jam packed with homeworks ZZZZZ).
x x x
Thursday, January 10, 2008
I need you like a heart needs a beat,
Oh yes, I forget to add this: Yesterday's Lit class was da bombz! Because we had this role-play thing, & we're supposed to act out this scenario. There was: Miaowen (Mom), Derick (Dad), Amanda (Daughter), Lucas (Son), Louise (Son's bad influence), Yours Truly (Daughter's bad influence)! It was reallly hilarious, and even more detailed than what the rest did. I mean, usually as the ones performing, I wouldn't laugh, but this time I really can't help it! HAHAHAHA. 
Met Leslie & Wai Ying & the other cheerleaders to get the forms after school, then after that, together with V & Clarissa, we talked alot on cheerleading and stuffs. Really want to be the 1st this year, so that Raffles House could win two years in a row!
Anyway, today's CCA trials compared to Tuesday's one was less taxing, probably because I've mastered the art of fetching the Sec1s from the Angklungs, or probably because peeps from Dance kept attacking me(!
), but nonetheless it was funnnnnnnn! 
Miss Leow better not get our hopes up, because we were really excited about performing for NDP, like the SYF Opening. Really wished that we'll get a chance to perform. Then we'd be super chaota! I like!
Headed to Jaime's house after the trials to edit the video, before heading home. Her cousin, Cam-ee-la-la (HAHAHA) kept talking back to Jaime and stuffs. It's like how Anna & I used to be, lol.
Going to Miaowen's house tomorrow after Choir with Sweetheart too, to do the Lit project. Don't think we'll spend a lot of time on it, because none of us actually read the text, so we don't really know the story, which is bad, because Lit has started already. How am I going to catch up? What are we going to write about? Lol
Damn shaggggggedddddd omfg. TGIF tomorrow!
x x x
Met Leslie & Wai Ying & the other cheerleaders to get the forms after school, then after that, together with V & Clarissa, we talked alot on cheerleading and stuffs. Really want to be the 1st this year, so that Raffles House could win two years in a row!
Anyway, today's CCA trials compared to Tuesday's one was less taxing, probably because I've mastered the art of fetching the Sec1s from the Angklungs, or probably because peeps from Dance kept attacking me(!
Miss Leow better not get our hopes up, because we were really excited about performing for NDP, like the SYF Opening. Really wished that we'll get a chance to perform. Then we'd be super chaota! I like!
Headed to Jaime's house after the trials to edit the video, before heading home. Her cousin, Cam-ee-la-la (HAHAHA) kept talking back to Jaime and stuffs. It's like how Anna & I used to be, lol.
Going to Miaowen's house tomorrow after Choir with Sweetheart too, to do the Lit project. Don't think we'll spend a lot of time on it, because none of us actually read the text, so we don't really know the story, which is bad, because Lit has started already. How am I going to catch up? What are we going to write about? Lol
Damn shaggggggedddddd omfg. TGIF tomorrow!
x x x
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
The hardest thing in this world is to live in.
Ahhhhhh so tired, it's only Wednesday & my next two days are super packed with Choir & assignments! (Wonders why I still can update.)
Anyways, I've recieved both AMaths & EMaths homework(s), Literature Project A (Blog), English's duty roster, Physics's memorization of Standard Forms, Chinese Spelling to be learn, Choir's banner-making (Huimian & Jana came today to help with the banner! :D) & Trials, whoaaaaaaaaa. Really wished it's the weeeeekends so I can watch WEIXIAOPASTA!!! Okay crazy me.
Lacking in motivation kills. \:
Lacking in motivation kills. \:
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Nothing that feels this good ever lasts.
Things I Must Do:
1. Finish up Duty Roster by Friday
2. Get English file by Friday
3. Get A4 single-lined book
4. Upload Jonas Brothers for Miaowen (!!!)
5. Get everyone's birth date.
6. Charge Soundaholic
7. Get earphones from Sean
8. Find white glue, double-sided tape, & scissors for Choir's banner-making
9. Pack school bag yo!
10. Save Money!
Hell. May not seem alot to you, but it sure does to me. Because I'm one who procrastinates, easily.
2. Get English file by Friday
3. Get A4 single-lined book
4. Upload Jonas Brothers for Miaowen (!!!)
5. Get everyone's birth date.
7. Get earphones from Sean
8. Find white glue, double-sided tape, & scissors for Choir's banner-making
9. Pack school bag yo!
10. Save Money!
Hell. May not seem alot to you, but it sure does to me. Because I'm one who procrastinates, easily.
Monday, January 07, 2008
And I've been holding out for love ever since I had a heart.
Lessons started today, which wasn't that good (not) with me forgetting to bring my file which has the forms for admin stuffs!
But ya know, Ms Koh is very very very nice so I'm only giving it to her tomorrow. 
So the subjects I had today are FT (Ms Koh), English (Ms Tan, same like last year!), EMaths (Ms GohLC), AMaths (Ms G.Chia), PCCG/CME (Mrs C.Lua), Literature (MS SHARIFAH!!!!!!), & Assembly (videos from Cambodia + Sec 1 2008 Camp).
It's good to know that during recess we're still sitting with the same people.
After school was talking to Miss Leow about Choir stuffs, and then to Market for lunch with V & Lorraine. Then to EastPoint with Diana too, to get my English textbook! Gonna wrap it with wrapping paper because its all torn and stuffs, hahaha.
Home after that. Really really glad that the homework haven't started piling up. If not.. I'll be soooo dead.
x x x
Sunday, January 06, 2008
All I really want to do, is tear straight into you.
At the rate of me watching WeiXiaoPasta, I'd never be able to finish them early enough to return the DVDs to Be anytime soon, most probably after March then I'll be able to finish, then what for I have the discs right!! Okay dumb dumb dumb.
I want my dear locker so I don't have to lug all the friggin' heavy books to and fro. ):
& can anyone tell me if we have Choir practise tomorrow?
& Replies:
Nana: HELLO!!
Diana: Hahaha ya lor! Then now you all must everytime tag okay! :D
Fangqi: Hahaha actually it doesn't really matter what others calls us ? As long as we both respond together or sth? Lol.
x x x
I want my dear locker so I don't have to lug all the friggin' heavy books to and fro. ):
& can anyone tell me if we have Choir practise tomorrow?
& Replies:
Nana: HELLO!!
Diana: Hahaha ya lor! Then now you all must everytime tag okay! :D
Fangqi: Hahaha actually it doesn't really matter what others calls us ? As long as we both respond together or sth? Lol.
x x x
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Never to return again but always in my heart,
Listening to all the not-so-old songs. Damn weird how people usually listen to oldies & have tons of memories flashing back. Yet I don't feel that attached to these songs though I've been listening to them for one/two years already? Hahahaha random, random random.
Sweetheart just left, Jaime left an hour ago. We didn't complete the project because I've lost/deleted the email which Jaime sent me. (Wait, is it possible to lose emails, or I deleted them by accident?) Anyways, SOO SORRY TO JAIME APPLE! SORRRRYYYY! Hopefully we don't have to hand in so early!
Then we surfed the webz, and Jaime left around 2plus, then both Sweetheart & I went downstairs to see her off, then came upstairs to surf more webz, and ended up on Friendster finding hot guys! Hahahaha. Then she left around 3plus, and she missed a 15, just so we could chat at the bus stop about somebody(s) more, and I'm sooo glad the next one came much much later! You know, Sweetheart makes me laugh without even trying, and my mouth was damn suan from all the laughing okay!
Sorry not taking 15 with you to Roxy Square! Hahaha.
Came home & here I am! I wonder what I'm gonna have for dinner.
Love ya girls! XOXOXO.
x x x
Sweetheart just left, Jaime left an hour ago. We didn't complete the project because I've lost/deleted the email which Jaime sent me. (Wait, is it possible to lose emails, or I deleted them by accident?) Anyways, SOO SORRY TO JAIME APPLE! SORRRRYYYY! Hopefully we don't have to hand in so early!
Then we surfed the webz, and Jaime left around 2plus, then both Sweetheart & I went downstairs to see her off, then came upstairs to surf more webz, and ended up on Friendster finding hot guys! Hahahaha. Then she left around 3plus, and she missed a 15, just so we could chat at the bus stop about somebody(s) more, and I'm sooo glad the next one came much much later! You know, Sweetheart makes me laugh without even trying, and my mouth was damn suan from all the laughing okay!
Came home & here I am! I wonder what I'm gonna have for dinner.
Love ya girls! XOXOXO.
x x x
Friday, January 04, 2008
I try to sleep but the clock is stuck on thoughts of you & me.
Just realised that with the new principal, things changed a hell lot! Like we're having combined assembly with the Lower Secs on Monday, even though we're seniors already & should be having assemblys on Wednesday; there's lesser Clubs & Societies, e.g. the cheese club got disbanded & I'm trying to get Zhenlu to join Choir! Hahaha, though V doesn't want him to join. Lol.
Today I was caught for my socks, lol. Please Mrs Tiu, don't call my name out during morning assembly okay! Had this talk on NE, and we're to build bridges or sth. Then went back to class, and we played Icebreaker games, and then back to class to do GROW ME, which I hope I'll be able to stick to it! Then we had recess, paid for my locker, with the help of V, who left my form below hers, so it was my turn to make payments very fast(!!), then to the hall for the CCA talk by Ms GohLC. Tyvm to Jiayan who waited for me! V was sitting behind the both of us, lol. Then according to the tables Ms Goh showed, think I've got a few CCA points or so already. Then Kelson wanted the cheerleader's emails, or sth, and he went up to make the announcement and it was damn funny. Then headed to the canteen with V for lunch. Bought my English workbook, & V bought her file, with the help of D who was queuing for us while we're still dining, then later me & V chit-chat for a while, then D came to join us, since her EVY went to Bedok Inter. Was thinking about where to go, then V suggested to go Airport, since we've never been to T3, so -poof! We're off!
Trained there, and we were talking about cheerleading and all, then at T3, we were all very suaku, kept getting high over the not opened shops, the damn big space, & my favourite: JING GU BANG! HAHAHA. You know Sun Wo Kong, his Jing Gu Bang, that one? Yeah T3 has tons of them! Hahaha okay stop. It's actually the pillars. Then we stayed at the Viewing Malls and getting high over all the planes that flew by which was not alot. E.g. "EH there there got a plane eh!!!" HAHAHA. Then we sat on the floor for some time, and cam-whore and I looked frigging fat in all of them(!!), and then I was testing out the functions and V thought I was taking peegchars of her, but I wasn't, then we all burst out laughing like hahahahahahaha okay damn stupid.
Then we stayed some time in the toilet which was super uber new and clean which I like! Then we headed over to T2 via the very long escalator which I like too! Went to Macs and sat there for some time, having Vanilla Cone (me) & Apple Pies (D&V). Then V went to see chocolates, but there's no Cocoa Trees in T2(?). Then we sat the skytrain to T3 and didn't alight, hahaha. Then walked around trying to find Cocoa Trees in T2 but to no avail, so we took the train home, and I fell asleep on the train, and my neck was like, sore. HAH. Then I wanted to take the train to Simei with them but didn't instead, since the train to Boon Lay was here, then I trained & bus-ed home.
Lova ya girlfs many many, so much laughters today, you guys are the
& YAY! Going to get my lockers sometime next week, since I've paid for it already.
Hope Jaime & I are able to finish the Eng project tomorrow at my cribz! Sweetheart is coming along yo!
I'm off!
x x x
Today I was caught for my socks, lol. Please Mrs Tiu, don't call my name out during morning assembly okay! Had this talk on NE, and we're to build bridges or sth. Then went back to class, and we played Icebreaker games, and then back to class to do GROW ME, which I hope I'll be able to stick to it! Then we had recess, paid for my locker, with the help of V, who left my form below hers, so it was my turn to make payments very fast(!!), then to the hall for the CCA talk by Ms GohLC. Tyvm to Jiayan who waited for me! V was sitting behind the both of us, lol. Then according to the tables Ms Goh showed, think I've got a few CCA points or so already. Then Kelson wanted the cheerleader's emails, or sth, and he went up to make the announcement and it was damn funny. Then headed to the canteen with V for lunch. Bought my English workbook, & V bought her file, with the help of D who was queuing for us while we're still dining, then later me & V chit-chat for a while, then D came to join us, since her EVY went to Bedok Inter. Was thinking about where to go, then V suggested to go Airport, since we've never been to T3, so -poof! We're off!
Trained there, and we were talking about cheerleading and all, then at T3, we were all very suaku, kept getting high over the not opened shops, the damn big space, & my favourite: JING GU BANG! HAHAHA. You know Sun Wo Kong, his Jing Gu Bang, that one? Yeah T3 has tons of them! Hahaha okay stop. It's actually the pillars. Then we stayed at the Viewing Malls and getting high over all the planes that flew by which was not alot. E.g. "EH there there got a plane eh!!!" HAHAHA. Then we sat on the floor for some time, and cam-whore and I looked frigging fat in all of them(!!), and then I was testing out the functions and V thought I was taking peegchars of her, but I wasn't, then we all burst out laughing like hahahahahahaha okay damn stupid.
Then we stayed some time in the toilet which was super uber new and clean which I like! Then we headed over to T2 via the very long escalator which I like too! Went to Macs and sat there for some time, having Vanilla Cone (me) & Apple Pies (D&V). Then V went to see chocolates, but there's no Cocoa Trees in T2(?). Then we sat the skytrain to T3 and didn't alight, hahaha. Then walked around trying to find Cocoa Trees in T2 but to no avail, so we took the train home, and I fell asleep on the train, and my neck was like, sore. HAH. Then I wanted to take the train to Simei with them but didn't instead, since the train to Boon Lay was here, then I trained & bus-ed home.
Lova ya girlfs many many, so much laughters today, you guys are the
& YAY! Going to get my lockers sometime next week, since I've paid for it already.
Hope Jaime & I are able to finish the Eng project tomorrow at my cribz! Sweetheart is coming along yo!
I'm off!
x x x
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Somehow you're never out of second chances,
Spot checks today. Tsk. Kept irritating Miaowen, who was sitting two rows in front of us. Sorry babe! But we couldn't help it, -laughs like mad woman.
Jiayan & Fangqi were in class till 8.30am then -poof! So I sat with Angeline, and was telling her about *! Lol. Then we made up the Class Rules, which includes me tickling you if you didn't laugh since the class motto is "Fun, Joy & Laughter" alright, and we're allowed to use handphones in class to look at the clock, calender etc, and the usual rules you'll have in a class. Then we went to the hall, and then recess with Hidayah & Vivian, and then to the AVA for House-Meetings, and I trying to compare how tall Jansen is while asking them how to do Maths Q 8 & 10(!), & was feelimh very high throughout, and Kelson is our Captain (?) & oh yay I'm going to join cheerleading with Hidayah & Vivian & Shirin & Syafiqah & Leslie! Sad sad sad, no more Serena, Daphne, Elizabeth, Grace, etc but do hope you guys can come & help us yeah! Then went back to the hall to hear Mr Yap (VP) talked and stuffs. Then had this discipline talk, & TYVM to Sweetheart, for sitting with me, and TYVM to Samantha who followed too!
Then after that, hang outside the hall for while, before heading to Music Room to have a little practise so we can conduct sectionals in the very very near future. Those who went to TKSS were all present + Sweetheart too!
Then I left early. SORRY GUYS! Hope I didn't miss out much!
Darl said that she's not going for the Dance Night already, so I got Nicaaaaa to go with me!
I wore new pair of contacts, and you know what: WALAO IT WASN'T PAIN/DRY/HURTING AT ALL LOR!! So yay! I dare to wear contacts again!
, and then I met her & Myron on the Paya Lebar platform at 6plus. Think I was late(?). Trained to Bugis and had Yoshinoya which caused me to burn a big hole in my pocket. Then Myron left, so we walked around, because it was quite early, and thank god Nica knows where's the temple, so we made our way there and saw the 2e4 peeps.
Lol, didn't know they going sia.
Then we saw Jolene Khoo! & then waited outside the auditorium because we're wayyyy early, and then Jiayan's family came, with Tongtong also ya know! Hidayah & Afiq were here too@ Then it started to get crowded, and then went into the auditorium & ODT gave us small torch lights which I got the green one, and I sat behind Jansen, hahaha. Was telling Nica who is who etc, hahaha. Teachers were present too! Ms Koh, Mr Teo, Ms Joy Ho, Mdm Loh, Mdm Chew, Mdm Chua, Mrs SCheong, Ms Leow, Mr Steven Su, P, VP, VIP too. I think we waited damn long inside, hahaha. Then the P & VIP made a speech(s), & something about tokens of appreciations.
Then around 8, it finally started!!!!!! Some are SYF pieces which we've seen before already. The new ones are the ones that I'm looking forward too, and overall: GREAT PERFORMANCE! Really nothing much to comment because I'm not a professional lah. Duh. Hahaha.
Waited for Jiayan at the 1st level, to say bye and all, but left early since there's school tomorrow and she's busy. So walked back through Bugis Street, and 33-ed home with Nica. You have no idea how funny she is when she sings! Super hilarious!
She came over to my house, and we wanted to watch a little but of Wei Xiao Pasta but her mum came to fetched her, so she didn't stay long.
LOVE YA NICAAAA! Thankyouverymuch for accompanying me, though its very very last-minute! XOXO!
GREAT DANCE to all the dancers!
& that's how my day went.
x x x
Jiayan & Fangqi were in class till 8.30am then -poof! So I sat with Angeline, and was telling her about *! Lol. Then we made up the Class Rules, which includes me tickling you if you didn't laugh since the class motto is "Fun, Joy & Laughter" alright, and we're allowed to use handphones in class to look at the clock, calender etc, and the usual rules you'll have in a class. Then we went to the hall, and then recess with Hidayah & Vivian, and then to the AVA for House-Meetings, and I trying to compare how tall Jansen is while asking them how to do Maths Q 8 & 10(!), & was feelimh very high throughout, and Kelson is our Captain (?) & oh yay I'm going to join cheerleading with Hidayah & Vivian & Shirin & Syafiqah & Leslie! Sad sad sad, no more Serena, Daphne, Elizabeth, Grace, etc but do hope you guys can come & help us yeah! Then went back to the hall to hear Mr Yap (VP) talked and stuffs. Then had this discipline talk, & TYVM to Sweetheart, for sitting with me, and TYVM to Samantha who followed too!
Then after that, hang outside the hall for while, before heading to Music Room to have a little practise so we can conduct sectionals in the very very near future. Those who went to TKSS were all present + Sweetheart too!
Darl said that she's not going for the Dance Night already, so I got Nicaaaaa to go with me!
Then we saw Jolene Khoo! & then waited outside the auditorium because we're wayyyy early, and then Jiayan's family came, with Tongtong also ya know! Hidayah & Afiq were here too@ Then it started to get crowded, and then went into the auditorium & ODT gave us small torch lights which I got the green one, and I sat behind Jansen, hahaha. Was telling Nica who is who etc, hahaha. Teachers were present too! Ms Koh, Mr Teo, Ms Joy Ho, Mdm Loh, Mdm Chew, Mdm Chua, Mrs SCheong, Ms Leow, Mr Steven Su, P, VP, VIP too. I think we waited damn long inside, hahaha. Then the P & VIP made a speech(s), & something about tokens of appreciations.
Then around 8, it finally started!!!!!! Some are SYF pieces which we've seen before already. The new ones are the ones that I'm looking forward too, and overall: GREAT PERFORMANCE! Really nothing much to comment because I'm not a professional lah. Duh. Hahaha.
Waited for Jiayan at the 1st level, to say bye and all, but left early since there's school tomorrow and she's busy. So walked back through Bugis Street, and 33-ed home with Nica. You have no idea how funny she is when she sings! Super hilarious!
LOVE YA NICAAAA! Thankyouverymuch for accompanying me, though its very very last-minute! XOXO!
GREAT DANCE to all the dancers!
& that's how my day went.
x x x
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
My heart pounds as I lay by your side.
Today is the start of school! Which was all
because of my lovely classmates especially Amanda, Jiayan, & Farhanah! And of course the list goes on & on..! Was really high before the start of the assembly, probably because everyone's crowding around the Parade Square & it's been so long since we last saw one another so it's time to catch up!
It's so irritating to see the guys change, wearing long pants, really looking like Sec 3s, while we ladies, didn't change much and still looked the same! Wtfish!
& you know my form teacher + Chem teacher, Ms Sharon Koh, is all funny nice and stuffs, even though I kept saying: "I don't like her, I don't like her", and it turns out she's really nice! & our FT homeroom is in the Science lab! So we stayed there for the whole day, filling out forms and stuffs, and then to recess, which the queue was ridiculously long & dang now we're having the upper secondary recess which is after the lower secondary recess means my poor stomach have to tahan for a bit longer(!), then filled out more forms, and decided the class comittee which both Jiayan & I are Welfare Reps(!), and the class motto: "Fun, Joy & Laughter" and then headed to the hall for some talk. & it was brrrrr-oh-so-cold in the science lab!
Reallly in love my class! Like, the girls are noisier & more hyper than the guys! HAHAHA. Whoohoo!
Then after school went to find D&V and then we headed to EastPoint via 38 to have Rotijohns+Bbt for lunch. Jiayan couldn't make it because she got something on already. The food was really slow!! & I prefer BBQ to Black Pepper! HAHA. Then went to Popular & saw Jiayan's sister! So coincidental! Then walked around and head home. Took the super long way! Hohoho.
Don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow without Jiayan in class. AMANDA I'M COMING FOR YOU OKOKOK! HAHAHA.
x x x
It's so irritating to see the guys change, wearing long pants, really looking like Sec 3s, while we ladies, didn't change much and still looked the same! Wtfish!
& you know my form teacher + Chem teacher, Ms Sharon Koh, is all funny nice and stuffs, even though I kept saying: "I don't like her, I don't like her", and it turns out she's really nice! & our FT homeroom is in the Science lab! So we stayed there for the whole day, filling out forms and stuffs, and then to recess, which the queue was ridiculously long & dang now we're having the upper secondary recess which is after the lower secondary recess means my poor stomach have to tahan for a bit longer(!), then filled out more forms, and decided the class comittee which both Jiayan & I are Welfare Reps(!), and the class motto: "Fun, Joy & Laughter" and then headed to the hall for some talk. & it was brrrrr-oh-so-cold in the science lab!
Reallly in love my class! Like, the girls are noisier & more hyper than the guys! HAHAHA. Whoohoo!
Then after school went to find D&V and then we headed to EastPoint via 38 to have Rotijohns+Bbt for lunch. Jiayan couldn't make it because she got something on already. The food was really slow!! & I prefer BBQ to Black Pepper! HAHA. Then went to Popular & saw Jiayan's sister! So coincidental! Then walked around and head home. Took the super long way! Hohoho.
Don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow without Jiayan in class. AMANDA I'M COMING FOR YOU OKOKOK! HAHAHA.
x x x
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
New blog, new year, new me!
Hey all! It's 2008 January the 1st, and it's the opening of dirtymasquerade@bs & the beginning of a new me! (I have no idea how I got this name, but here it is!) Really excited to start off the New Year, and one way is to watch the fireworks at Marina Square with lots & lots of people and at the same time video-ing the fireworks, which went boom boom boom and your heart pounded like boom boom boom too! Super duper uber fun, watching it at such a close distance! Usually I'd be watching in the comfort of my own balcony's, with the tall buildings blocking it. But it was still awesome!!!
So yes, this is my new blog, and people, you know what to do: Relink!
So yes, this is my new blog, and people, you know what to do: Relink!
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