Self-control. I need more of it. If I had more of it, I wouldn't be here wasting my time away.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Self-control. I need more of it. If I had more of it, I wouldn't be here wasting my time away.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Sweet Nica
YiXuan I miss you
I know I failed to eat midnight durian with you, but then I promise this time round when I'm back we'll go out whenever you want to okay? :) Whenever you're free darl. Of course it's because July I had ahem, with me. Hahaha, those sweet times. Well, I really hope I'm not back to SG so soon, but then I will catch up with you soon ok :) & your memory is soo good at times. Look, you remember everything we did together ;) Those cool times. Hahaha, you also can forget things easily, your "alamak, aiyoo" face. Hahaha, is what I picture you in my head. Your laughter is indeed contagious :B
Miss you

* This totally cracked me up for quite a while.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Because today is your special day, and I wish I could celebrate it with you, because I think I've never even celebrated once with you, so let's celebrate a belated one when you're back! We could go Sentosa because we've been saying we wanna go there since forever, and have durians, and then go shop shop shop and then camwhore with your camera which is 923626554351321x better than mine, and then we can go blading & ice-skating also! & NEOPRINTS, because Whitesands has super cheap ones for $8 (but I don't know if it's still the same haha). But it doesn't matter as long as we spent time together to have fun! Whatever the case is, we can do so many things!
Remember those times when we webcam and sing to U + Ur Hand? Remember how we would meet whenever and wherever because you/me are just a phone call away? You've been more than a mere friend, because you gave me your ears when I needed them, and I am absolutely grateful and you bring smiles to me whatever whenever. So for your very special day, you enjoy yourself and have fun and party hard because your exams are over already so all the more reasons to celebrate! May all things wonderful come your way! I love you alot alot alot and I'll be waiting for you at the airport in Nov ok? :D
Love, J
Friday, September 19, 2008
I was on the brink of tears.
I spent only 3/5 of my allowance this week. Whoo!
& my overall CA marks for Physics is an A1!!!!! Despite failing my very first class test at the beginning of the year and then my marks were fluctuating throughout the year, whoo! Now I gotta focus on my EOY which would be a huge percentage for the overall mark!
Thank you Miscoal for pointing out my flaws so I can work on them. I need relax when I'm taking the paper. I know I can score, just that I was too nervous that I blanked out and, yeah, did not score. I'm gonna score! I will score!
AMaths is really not that hard at all. I think I'm more used to Ms.Chia's way of teaching already. Need to train my accuracy, need to train my speed, or else I won't be able to complete the paper, or else I'll fail. I don't want to drop AMaths.
Gotta memorise SS. SS. SS. SS. SS. SS. History. History. History. History. History. History.
When I remember the pain of losing something,
I become aware of the things that I want to protect.
-TzuYing's blog.
I need to cope with stuffs even better than how I am doing. Putting on a strong front and then breaking down is NOT a way to cope with stuffs.
My world revolves around school, my dearests, and study study study. My world don't revolve around you. My world revolve around and around you.
Keep your comments to yourself please. I'm out. I have AMaths waiting for me.
x x x
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Hello PMS. Please go away and never come back. Thank you.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Everytime, I wonder what I am to you.
Is there so little space for that heart of yours?