Thursday, January 31, 2008

I bet there heart's all over the world tonight

Tests. Tests. Tests. Tests. EMaths. Chemistry. Physics. AMaths. Today. Yesterday. Exams. Next next week. Cannot breathe. Shagged. Dead beat. Cannot wait for Taiwan trip. Cannot wait to shop. Cannot wait to chill. Need to update more. De-stress. Remedials. Tuition. Please. Need all the help I can get. Miss GChia? Miss GYY? Please? Screams. And. Shouts. Cannot take it. Anymore!

Okay everything sucks now.

Chem test sucks: I drew the cooling curve wrongly. + I have to ti-kam for 2 of the MCQs.
Physics test sucks too: Stupid errors that I name wrongly, & stupid standard forms which I didn't calculate correctly.
EMaths: Not that sucky, but I didn't complete two Qns which means I suck too right?!
AMaths: The killer subject so far that I could not catch up with! & hell, it's MATHS okay!! Pfft.

(Let's hope CT1 would be easy-peasy. Hmmmm.)

Choir sucks now too. & hell, it used to be what I look forward to after school ALL THE TIME. Now I dread it. I guess there's a limit for everything, & when you're over that limit, ITS OVER!

Cheerleading - Wednesday's lunch with the bunch of them brightens up my life! Ahtay + Lesley + Uncle That Sells Kopi + Joel + My Grandma + Shirin + Shasha &&&& Yayah has Apple Mac Laptop which means PHOTOBOOOTH & cam-whore sessions of all sorts for us! :D
Cheerleading had never been this fun! Whoohoo!

Finally a breather for me, for now, for the time being. & I'm gonna waste it by blogging & Facebook-ing & sleeping early! :D

Let's hope tomorrow's CME lesson would be very fun still!

x x x

P/s: 1 week + 2 days to MY SPECIAL DAY!

P/p/s: Wants something RED! :D (Not apples okay! HAHAHA)