Friday, November 21, 2008

I'm a happy kidz today! 

Went to meet Big Sista after her work today. 

Dinner @ Din Tai Fung aka XIAO LONG BAOS ah yes zomg which is the bombz!!!

Then went to Suntec and to Carrefour (Car-foo/Carry-four/Car-four/whichever way you pronounce it) and bought a whole lot of things, which made me vvvv happy! 

PINK FBTS!!!!! Strawberries, Banana Nut Crunch, KoKo Krunch, Ruffles, Donuts, Croissants, Orange Juice w/ pulps, omg I can see myself pigging out during the weekend! 

Especially since I'mma be at home. Oh man. Heck.

x x x