Saturday, April 04, 2009

Some updates:

I've been seeing Sheryl every Thursday for Chinese tuition. Can i say, I look forward to Thurdays now haha. A1 here we come. 
Btw. 57 days left. 7 more weeks ONLY!!!!!!!!!! ENDURE!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Speech Day is over! Every year is the same. Seriously.

So thanks to Speech Day, a) I successfully applied liquid eyeliner using Tay's one! b) I saw Darl & Hauyee! c) I saw Miss Leow d) It's my 1st time seeing Ms Goh wearing a dress & heels!!!! 

Seen Darl twice within a few weeks, & both times she drove me home muahaha :D love you xoxo

& I must thank Lucas BIG TIME for sharing Folie À Deux because it's the most addictive album so far, love it love it love it love it love it TO THE MAXXXXXXXXX. There's seriously no tracks on the album that's to my dislike. Transitions are damn smooth I wonder how they do it. OMG THIS IS HEAVEN ON EARTH BEST RECORD SO FAR EVEN 2 THUMBS ARE NOT ENOUGH!!!!!! They make the rest of the bands in the world sound & taste so bland. (Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)

In need of study dates. Hello Tzuying see you tomorrow in the library :)