Sunday, October 26, 2008

Click on my ads above!! TYVM! Keep on clicking!

Everything's packed. Or not really. Mostly. Leaving in a few more hours. Charging Ipod, Canon, & SE. Bringing their chargers over too. I hope Ipod can last me for 8 days.

Passport, check. (!!!)
E-ticket, check.
Camera, check.
SE, check.

... & a lot of others are already check.

Oh & I need to find a smaller bag.

I'm going to enjoy myself, whatever happens. No external factors gonna get me down. Really really really want to enjoy this trip. The experience is what I'm looking for.

Bye bye world wide web. I'll miss my 7 days of not being to touch you.

I'm going to miss every single one of you.

& don't forget to click on my Nuffnang ads!!! See the NokiaMusicStore adverts?!
I wonder how many things will change when I'm back. I hope not a lot.

I'll be celebrating Halloween overseas!!

I have to get changed now, and packed the remaining that's not packed yet.


x x x