Wednesday, June 25, 2008

(I kept forgetting to blog about this!!! OMG!!!)

So, after Wednesday's Choir's SYF OC practise, I met Nica to have dinner @ Astons! Nica had never been there before, & this is the first time I'm paying for myself! Nica ordered the same as me - Chargrill Chicken + Baked Potatoes + Tasty Rice + IBC Root Beer!!

While waiting for the food, I passed her the ticket to see the Preview, hohoho! She'll be coming!!! :D

Whatever the case is, it's damn good to see Nica, seriously!!!!! Good dinner + great friendzzz = ♥ :D

Then after that we walked to Parkway, and she bought her new sexy cammmcammmzzz, then took 15 home with together.

Love you lots babe!!!!!!!

x x x