Friday, June 06, 2008

Steamboat was awesome!!!!!!!!!

So much seafood, so much veggies, so much et cetera, so much calamansi & water chestnut drink, so healthy (not!)!!!

Thank god for the short queue. By the time we've finished eating, whoa! The queue was loooong!!!

Shouldn't have worn my jeans out. It almost killed me. The heat, gahhhhh.

Ahting said she wore a dress so that she could eat as much as she wants and won't look like she's bloated. I think she's quite true. Dang, I should have worn a dress too. HAHA.

Walked around Bugis, and Sean threw Ahting's phone and it hit the ground and the phone broke into 3 parts - the back cover that covered up the battery, the battery, and the remaining phone itself.

Fei joined us afterwards, and she had Fish & Chips at the basement. I don't remember which store.

Then we had this yoghurt which tasted so... fermented? Yucks. Never gonna try that again.

Train-ed and buss-ed home. Fei started asking Sean, stuffs like,"If you were stuck in the lift with X & Y, who would you choose?", so on and so forth, and it came to a point where ALL 3 of them rather choose to be stuck in the lift with ME than Kor!!! HAHAHAHAHA.

They we watched Juno! It's M18, HAHAHA. But Kor bought the DVD from China. Not bad (considering it's from China lolol)! Shall go download the soundtrack. So cute!!

Then they cheated my feelings! I won 3 rounds (out of 6 please!) in mahjong and after that, they desserted me and watched My Super Bad Ex Girlfriend (or sth along that line)!!!!!! I didn't watch with them. Pfft. My $$$!!

Okay this is a lousy post byebyebye.

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Steamboat at Bugis with my sister and her boyfriend was awesome!!!!!!!!!

So much seafood, so much veggies, so much meat, so much of calamansi & water chestnut drink, so not healthy!!!

Three cheers for the short queue! By the time we've finished eating, whoa! The queue was very long!!!

I shouldn't have worn my jeans out. The heat almost suffocated me.

My sister said she wore a dress so that she could eat as much as she wants and won't look like she's bloated. I think she's quite true. Dang, I should have worn a dress too!

I think I should start exercising if not the hand on the weighing scale would go right instead of left. ):

I eat to live, and live to eat. :D

My second sister joined us after dinner and we headed home together. Since my mother went to Desaru, Malaysia with her colleagues, we had the whole house to ourselves, and we watched Juno.

Juno is a whip-smart teen confronting an unplanned pregnancy by her classmate Bleeker. With the help of her hot best friend Leah, Juno finds her unborn child a "perfect" set of parents: an affluent suburban couple, Mark and Vanessa, longing to adopt. Luckily, Juno has the total support of her parents as she faces some tough decisions, flirts with adulthood and ultimately figures out where she belongs.

I like times like this when we spend time together enjoying something. This is called family. :D

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Mama went to Desaru, Malaysia with her colleagues this morning and will be back tomorrow afternoon, so we're planning mahjong tonight! :D

Steamboat @ Bugis with Ahting & Sean for dinner. That'd be my first full meal for the day.

The fridge and cupboard is sooo baree I have nothing much to eat. ):

If I don't get ready now, Imma be late!

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Hohohoh, I'm blogging at a super slow-rate at another tab, about THE CLICK FIVE - MODERN MINDS AND GREAT TIMES WORLD TOUR CONCERT that has many tongues wagging, mostly Miaowen's, Clarissa's & Yours Truly's tongue. HAHAHA.

The 3 parts of the concerts: -
  1. Before
  2. During
  • After
  • Check to see which one I'm done with! :D

    x x x