Friday, May 23, 2008

Family Night Out!

Showered and out we went to Ahfei's TDS Graduation Ceremony @ TCC. First we went to get the flowers (which Mama bought it at a super cheeeaaaapp price) then we went back home to get the recycled graduation bear (HAHAHA because we left that at home) and then off we went ridin' down to TP.

I want a new new new cammmcammz prettttyyyyy please?

We were supposed to be seated by 6pm, but Mama, Kor & Yours Truly only reached at 6.30pm. Heng we did not miss any part of the graduation ceremony.

There was this opening speech, videos and etc. It makes me think of what I want my poly life to be like. I gotta start working hard, very very hard, to be able to achieve some standards, so that people won't look down on me, so that I can chu ren tou di.

Ahting joined us a little after that, when the ceremony started already. But it's okay, because it wasn't Ahfei's turn yet. Lol.

Managed to tape down the whole thing, you can bet how proud the whole family were.

Then we hang around a while, snapping pictures, enjoying the light refreshments, etc then we left.

Headed home to get jackets cause Mama was afraid that the cinema would be cold.

Then Kor drove us to town, where we parked our car at ParkMall(?) and we had Fish & Co for dinner!

Love their Seafood Platter + Fish & Chips + Freeze! Super duper great!

Then Sean joined us in between.

After our very late dinner it was Movie @ The Cathay to catch Indiana Jones!

The only reason why we are watching it together is because of Mama, who watched it 20 years ago with Daddy. Yours Truly doesn't mind at all because there's SHIA LaBEOUF in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The freakaye thang: I'm seated at the same place I sat for What Happen In Vegas!!!!!!!! Lol. It's a good seat, it's right smack in the middle of the cinema. Thumbs up to Kor who bought the tickets! Thumbs up to Ahting who bought the Vegas tickets!

I catch no balls about the movie, because I don't know anything about Indiana Jones! HAHA. All I know is Shia was so so so so HOT when he was ridin' the motorbike - melts!

Left for home after that. By the time it was already 2plus am.

Zonked out.

Photos up!

x x x
The part of life everyone must go through: Collecting report books after your major exams such as MYEs are over.

So I woke up 30 mins late today (hohoho) and heng was just in time on board for the very last bus that I won't be late for school. I brought my bucket bag out. :D

Ms Koh came to the assembly area and Jy, Raymond & I had to help her with the report books. By the time we left it in the exam homeroom and was on the way to the assembly ground, it was "School stand" already. So we 3 remained upstairs, while the rest of the school were downstairs, HAHA.

I was waving & smiling to the people downstairs like Ara & Derick! HAHA. Then we went to the classroom while the school came up. Arranged the tables and chairs. Jiayan & I were b-o-r-e-d so we listened to our hp/mp3 while waiting for Ms Koh.

It's damn irritating, yet there's nothing we can do about it - people with parents intercepting our queue! I was telling Jy, it feels like we're at the doctor's, waiting for your turn to be called out, especially since "Your Queue Number May Not Be Called Sequence", lol. I was also telling her, that its still early, and that I'm craving for Macs Hotcakes, so we should go TMall after we've collected our report books. She said "see first". Lol.

Everything became veryvery hilarious when Zhenlu Daanish & Weijie started ransacking my bucket bag, and Zhenlu was carrying it!!!! Weijie was taking out my things, my handphone, my mp3, my new $5.90 headsets (!!!! hahaha). They fiddled with my mp3 till no energy!! Daanish started giving missed calls. Then all 3 of them and Derick, started poking me & Jy !!!!!!!!!!!!!! -.- Stupid. This went on for 2-3 hours! Serious!!

Miaowen the babelicious texted me when she was next door, asking me if I'm still in school, then Jy & I went over to find her, & she said she's having piano later, and she got coupons to eat Macs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHA so yup, went back to the exam homeroom, waited (very impatiently) for Ms Koh. Shared headsets with Zhenlu via Jaime's phone!

Finally it was my turn!!! It's always very fast, loooool. Same goes when I'm waiting at the polyclinic!!! Ms Koh said the same thing back then. I'm too playful, I have to stop doing last-minute work, I have to be consistent, I have to start early, etc. It shall be in my mid-year resolution, if I have one. :D So compared to CT1s, I got no As, and now I got 1 A2. It's still very bad, gotta buck up, pull up my socks, high high up!

Then waited for a while, before leaving the place with Miaowen. Sorry Jiayan!!!
We waited for the bus to go the Mrtstation, which was like forever! But it's okay because Miaowen will still be in time for her piano lesson. The way there was lovely! All the gossips we had, seriously!! HAHA.

Walked towards Funan IT Mall. Funny how I don't remember where it is until I'm there at the place myself, because I was scared that when Miaowen is attending her piano lesson, I won't know the way back to the mrt. Lawlllll.

We headed to Times/Borders(?) and I showed her the Arena mag (which I didn't bring!! SORRY!) that has SHIA LaBEOUF on the cover!!!!!!! Simply because we're both crazy over him. :D

Then we headed to Macs, and both of us bought Grilled Chicken Foldover & McFlurry for me & Sundae for her, that costs a bomb but it's alright because we have coupons!! :D I tell you, we were damn full halfway already. HAHAHA. Gossiped a lot a lot more. Wheee damn fun! Because it's what girls like us do best! :D

Then we went to the ladiesssss to cam-whore, which was a whole new level of laughters! #1: The urinal/whatever-you-call-that-thing-the-guys-used-to-pee is damn sensitive that when we were pretending to pee it actually flushes that scared the hell outta us and we giggled like siaozharboz!

Left the ladiesssss after a while, and we went to the baby-changing room, simply because it was empty. #2: We started using self-timers, and I moved this sofa-thingy/mattress thingy that the babies used to change their diapers, then THERE WAS THIS FRIGGING SMALL & ALIVE LIZARD THAT SCARED THE HELL OUTTA ME!!!!!!! So we laugheddddddd and left the changing room.

Please laugh. I'll laugh with you. HAHAHAHAHA.

Then I left for home while she went for her piano lessons and I think she's late for it! Lol.

Snoooozed all the way to the evening, because Kor's hogging his desktop ):

Photos up!

Post about my night another time! :D