Friday, May 23, 2008

Family Night Out!

Showered and out we went to Ahfei's TDS Graduation Ceremony @ TCC. First we went to get the flowers (which Mama bought it at a super cheeeaaaapp price) then we went back home to get the recycled graduation bear (HAHAHA because we left that at home) and then off we went ridin' down to TP.

I want a new new new cammmcammz prettttyyyyy please?

We were supposed to be seated by 6pm, but Mama, Kor & Yours Truly only reached at 6.30pm. Heng we did not miss any part of the graduation ceremony.

There was this opening speech, videos and etc. It makes me think of what I want my poly life to be like. I gotta start working hard, very very hard, to be able to achieve some standards, so that people won't look down on me, so that I can chu ren tou di.

Ahting joined us a little after that, when the ceremony started already. But it's okay, because it wasn't Ahfei's turn yet. Lol.

Managed to tape down the whole thing, you can bet how proud the whole family were.

Then we hang around a while, snapping pictures, enjoying the light refreshments, etc then we left.

Headed home to get jackets cause Mama was afraid that the cinema would be cold.

Then Kor drove us to town, where we parked our car at ParkMall(?) and we had Fish & Co for dinner!

Love their Seafood Platter + Fish & Chips + Freeze! Super duper great!

Then Sean joined us in between.

After our very late dinner it was Movie @ The Cathay to catch Indiana Jones!

The only reason why we are watching it together is because of Mama, who watched it 20 years ago with Daddy. Yours Truly doesn't mind at all because there's SHIA LaBEOUF in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The freakaye thang: I'm seated at the same place I sat for What Happen In Vegas!!!!!!!! Lol. It's a good seat, it's right smack in the middle of the cinema. Thumbs up to Kor who bought the tickets! Thumbs up to Ahting who bought the Vegas tickets!

I catch no balls about the movie, because I don't know anything about Indiana Jones! HAHA. All I know is Shia was so so so so HOT when he was ridin' the motorbike - melts!

Left for home after that. By the time it was already 2plus am.

Zonked out.

Photos up!

x x x