Saturday, September 12, 2009

I opened this page not knowing what to write, because (as usual) a million and one things are going through my head. One comes in before I could process the other. & mind you, all of them are NOT related to O's, not like i'm memorizing any notes or whatever.

Not going to dwell on O's because it only makes me !@#@$#%~~~@##!$#$#@%$^%&^!!!!!!!

Am feeling like shit. Hate it when reality hit me hard, right smack on my face. There's so much i want to help, but there's so little i can do. It's time i let em' loose. Eventually like a spring, it will come back to me. Eventually.

I need a lot of needs.

Kor is going to tabao Macs back. I want something light, not heavy, so i told him McNuggets! then i added: "Upsize so got shaker fries". Ironic much!!! -.-

Hey Nica, i hope you see this. please know that i am here for you okay, my ears and shoulders are more than ready. don't matter if you're in yishun or not. its a hard time for you right now eh? glad that you're contactable now ^^ you know that you can reach me via phone esp now that you've got your line :) so much i want to say, hope to see you real soon kk xoxo *hugs*

x x x