Sunday, August 17, 2008

Actual performance at Bedok CC today. It feels weird to be waking up at the normal time (read: 6am) and wearing your school uniform on a friggin' Sunday morning. (Ack my 12-hrs must have sleep!)

Waited for Joey at the bus stop, Amanda & Qy waited with me, and then we headed to the CC together. Then after a while we hang around, slacked and stuffs, left our bags in one of the holding rooms, and then we were told to go on the stage with our ties. We rehearsed for one round, before the Guest-Of-Honour came. I didn't catch his name. Later, when the GOH arrived, we got started with the actual thing.

& the scariest thing ever happened - This girl from BGPS (a row of BGPS students were standing in front of us) vomitted after the first round of rehearsal. & later on, this girl, according to Try (who stood beside me :} ), was actually shivering and before she FAINTED! and she fell FORWARD off the stage! So she totally went *piak* or a *thud* on the ground and I know that my immediate reaction was to grab Eeting's hand, hahaha. The GOH still had the guts to say: "That girl just fell down, please give her a warm round of applause to wish her a speedy recovery" (or something along that line.) Scary no? We're all suspecting they have super low blood sugar or something along that line.

& then we were told to get off the stage, Diana, Eeting, Joey & I went to the toilet to change out of our uniform and into the green choir tee and then we left for the Mrt. It was still ONLY 8am, so early hahaha.

Headed to Marina Square for Mac brekky, but before that we cam-whored outside Giordano because the spotlights there are damn pretty especially since MS isn't completely opened yet, and did all the funny poses, lol. :D

After Mac brekky, we went outside MS and sat on the stairs and camwhoreeeee like mad (jumpshots ♥) and then headed back to get movie tickets for Meet Dave. 

Then went to Fourskin because the lovelies wanna get their beloved wallets, and all of them got it in different colours. Then Diana wasn't really happy with the glitter and all, so we went back to change it twice. 

Then we sit outside the toilet and camwhoreee again and we cam-whored till my Camel's outta battery! Prolly because I didn't charge it properly! Totally maxed it man!

Then we went to walk walk, and headed to watch the movie!! Super funny seh. Thumbs up! The whole cinema only has us 4 and a few others. Not even the whole cinema was filled. I guess we chose the right slot. :D

& here's a BIG Thankyou to Joeylovelove because she bought nachos + popcorns + coke for all 4 of us! ♥♥

"I am Dave Ming Chaing" (chaing as in w/ the slang) HAHAHA okay i'm so funny, not.

Then after the movie, we chitchat and gossip at Mac till it's 4pm then we left. So damn packed when we left, so unlike when we reached, haha.

Love you three lovelies!! First time catching a movie with Eeting + Joey! More to come!! ♥ 

Pictures another time, gotta jet.

Awwww school + Choir tomorrow. ):

x x x