Sunday, September 27, 2009

Life and time is not to be wasted anyhow anyhow now. I've wasted enough and enough is enough.
Anw watching the F1! Laughing @ Hamilton because on the tv screen its HAM, you know like HAM, those that you eat? hahhahahhaha

I must stop thinking that way. It's been weeks. Glad i finally let it out of my chest!!!

Nica's back in Aussie! Damn fast ok! ):

Idk what else to blog. I don't want to rant here because it's so ... rubbish-y.

Need to get that stress off me. Not even a month to O's. Its getting closer and closer, creeping towards us.

Big big big plans after o's. Number 1. ROB A DAMN BANK TO FINANCE ALL MY NEEDS. Yeah. No number 1, no money, no needs. Saddddddd!! Im not planning to get a job either, I rather beg on the streets, pretending that i am homeless. As if money would drop from the sky. Har har.

Back to F1. ttfn!

Friday, September 18, 2009

DAMN pissed because i didnt receive any facebook email notifications? Anyone with the same problem?

OK NVM solved it yay damn happy :D

x x x

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I put a brake on my studies and finished two books in two days ^^
Gonna pass the book to Tzuying tmr ^^

I found solace when I'm reading. Away from o's, away from reality, away from unhappy things, away from you perhaps?

Anw gotta jet i got 8 more qns for chem!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I opened this page not knowing what to write, because (as usual) a million and one things are going through my head. One comes in before I could process the other. & mind you, all of them are NOT related to O's, not like i'm memorizing any notes or whatever.

Not going to dwell on O's because it only makes me !@#@$#%~~~@##!$#$#@%$^%&^!!!!!!!

Am feeling like shit. Hate it when reality hit me hard, right smack on my face. There's so much i want to help, but there's so little i can do. It's time i let em' loose. Eventually like a spring, it will come back to me. Eventually.

I need a lot of needs.

Kor is going to tabao Macs back. I want something light, not heavy, so i told him McNuggets! then i added: "Upsize so got shaker fries". Ironic much!!! -.-

Hey Nica, i hope you see this. please know that i am here for you okay, my ears and shoulders are more than ready. don't matter if you're in yishun or not. its a hard time for you right now eh? glad that you're contactable now ^^ you know that you can reach me via phone esp now that you've got your line :) so much i want to say, hope to see you real soon kk xoxo *hugs*

x x x

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Quick post: I never had the intention to upload photos. Shall pass my thumbdrive to Shermin See Qi Qi so that she can upload to her blog/Facebook then she'll tag everyone aka spam our inbox (& even knowing so, we never edit our email notifications no matter how much we hate those emails HAHAHA) and then deep down in my heart I'll be thanking her a lot a lot because its all up on Facebook for the whole world to see ^^

So today is (Y).

Vivo to celebrate Tay's sweet 16th with bday gal, Jy, Clarissa, Shermin = GV trying to sneak into NC16 movies (not that i'm not 16!!) + LJS + EMIKO Art (?) + BANDSLAM (Y)(Y)(Y) + Camwhore!

Then black pepper crab for dinner for the 3rd consecutive week!! SIAO and SHIOK or not!? (Y)(Y)(Y)

Your heart is not with me. When will it ever be?

Sept holidays = NO holiday!!! Damn you o's.

I want to sleep. Bye and ciao!

x x x