Friday, October 30, 2009

6 papers down, just like that. Not as if i can ever take it again. Chicken essence don't work. I lost faith in it after I screwed up all of my papers, on Mon Tues Wed. Bad enough? No, AMaths was screwed up too. It was worse.

Which got me thinking how unfair this O's is. How can they based everything just on a few papers? That's not the real me. That's not what they should look at, and yet, that's what they've been doing, and it turns out Singapore is doing fine with the education system. What about the students who are actually involved, sitting for the exams?! When do we get our say?

Btw, halfway through the paper it got me thinking: What's the use of knowing Binomial thm!? Useless much? OH YEAH.

This is a another phase of my growing up years. In the meantime, focus on the rest of the 9 papers: SS, Chem, History, Physics, Lit, MT, MCQ. Focus, hocus pocus.

Another peeve: Some people don't know their limits. Everyone has theirs. If you've crossed MY limit, that's it man. You're going down. I will slap you real hard, break you into a million pieces, cook curry outta ya, flush you down the toilet bowl, throw you into the incinerator, burn your house down, make sure you don't have any predecessor, and then I will laugh at you, real hard, before guilt and conscience kicks in.

I might drink chicken essence on Monday. Might need it real bad, for brainpower. Two papers. I think I will burst soon, especially my head.

I really don't need to know what you're thinking. Nuff said.

Done ranting!! Planning to do a bit of LIT and then watch DEATH NOTE II !!! Kira v cute :D

x x x

Monday, October 19, 2009


1. SS notes. (edit:/ I think i did like 3 chapters but then there's still many more to go, so imma do it another day.)
2. Eng essays x 2
3. Summary(s) x 4


I'mmma type all because I ran out of correction tape *screams for Shermin* muahahaha



i only completed one eng essay instead of two!!!!! and the time taken to do one essay could be used to do like.. 5? i am so dead, i am so dead, i am so dead!!!!

bye world.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


HILARIOUS TTM!!! Do you really need another reason why I'm crazy over Nick? -shakes head. But still, if you need a good laugh, why not.

P.S.You can ignore the song, just watch. :D

x x x
Let's just say that i have not touched science though O Level Science Practical is on THURS (22/10) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's just say that I've been doing Amaths but i still can't solve the tougher problems and I am not sure I am able to get an A1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Let's just say that my humanities are a toughie due to the fact that previous chapters i've stored in my brain is still "searching..."

Let's just say that I'm not prepared for O's, AT ALL. GG TO ME -.-

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Best Friends

What defines a best friend?
What are the requirements to be a good best friend?
How many hours a week does it entail?
Stupid questions that have no answers.
A best friend is not defined by how many times they talk on the phone, or how many hours they hang out together.
It is not defined by how many sleepovers they gossip at, or how many inside jokes they have.
There are no requirements or laws that state that a good best friend must hang out with them every weekend, or tell each other every little detail.
A best friend is a matter of opinion.
It is the person who has been there for you through everything, not just through the fun things, or the little things.
It is the person that you call when you are at your absolute worst, it is the person who saves you when you didn't even notice that you needed saving, mostly it is the person who accepts you for who you are, and the person that you are becoming.