Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Outing with Pri Sch Friends

This is day I've been looking forward to every holiday since Sec 1. This is where all the reminiscing and all things new happens. This is when you realised that the people whom you've not met/seen/talked for a half a year still means soooooo much to you.

Today is the much anticipated outing with the MG who rocks my socks yo!

I woke up feeling all excited, that Imma' be seeing the mosquitoeszz, that Imma' be spending the day (10 hours together, to be exact) with them, though I was kinda dreading the water bomb part because my period knocked on my door yesterday..

Sheryl called and said that Kevin's meeting us early too, and that she's already on bus 196.

I missed my bus, even though I was checking Iris before. (-.-) Then at 11am when I'm suppose to reach Parkway, I'm still waiting for my bus. I was late.

Alight the bus then went to Mos Burger to meet them. Kevin was eating fried butterfly prawns and drinking this jelly drink with straws. Chit-chatted and gossiped and all. Sheryl showed me the classic photo of Kevin's last year when we met up at NAPS during Teacher's Day. Nice catching up I must say. Funny how Kevin got himself into so much trouble with so many different people. Then he was asking if his bag was nice, and that he's going to start a trend with it. He never changed at all, I guess.

Then we walked to Giant to get my headsets but it seems that there's no more stock on display. We couldn't find the salesperson and we were thinking of getting Kevin to shout, (hahaha). Then we went to Popular and on the way Kevin was complaining about the heat and the sun!! And he doesn't open the doors for us girls! Sheryl was saying that he's soo ungentlemanly (haha). Popular also do not have my cheap, cheap headsets, so we headed back to Parkway.

Sheryl went to develop photos, for Chung Hsien's belated present, then we three started poking the computer screen very hard because it wasn't at all sensitive and didn't respond to our previous pokes. Then this guy came to aid us with the photos, and said that even if we didn't develop 10 photos, they'll still charge us at the rate of 10 photos. Sheryl went to pay and the lady said that she can collect it at 12.40pm.

Then we went back to Mos Burger and waited for the rest to arrive. Jordan was the first. When he called Kevin I used a fake voice and spoke to him and I think he thought that that was Kevin's voice, (haha). He was already outside then, with a friend of his. Then Gareth came, and he used my phone to call Yvette and then LiangDeng and Huishan came in together. (I like Shan's blouse!) Then we tried calling the others i.e. Yvette who hadn't reached yet. So exciting seeing them all!!

Then we left Mos Burger because we took up a whole lot of space and LiangDeng was standing throughout (haha) and headed to Evergreen to get glue because none of us brought it. Gareth wants to watch Kungfu Panda because his sister said it's nice. Then Liangdeng & I were squabbling because I was saying he's stingy.

Then we went to Macs to have our lunch and met Yvette at the traffic light there. Liangdeng doesn't want to go by the traffic light way, but changed his mind when he saw the police car there.

Then we girlies had one table to ourselves, while the guys had another table to themselves. I think we made a lot of noise hahaha. HuiShan and I queued up and got our food first, and I had McChicken. :D

Yvette went to get Mos Burger because she doesn't feel like eating Macs so she took away Mos Burger to Macs to eat, and helped Sheryl collect the developed photos. She's going to Russia for Choir with Mr. Foong, one of our very own ex-Choir conductor, and she's only thinking of getting key-chains back for us. What a friend.

Sheryl had a Bioskin appointment at 2.30pm, so after she's done with her food, she was doing up the scrapbook, like deciding on where to put the pictures and what words should we write in it, though nothing was really written or done, while I was playing with Liangdeng's phone that has PuzzleBobble which I always "Game Over!" and complaining to Yvette, and she kept saying I'm lousy, and when she played the game she died less times than me!

HuiShan & I were chanting: "Mahjong! Mahjong! Mahjong!" because we couldn't wait to play at her house, since Yvette and Liangdeng also know to play. They, minus Yvette, know how to play tai some more, heh heh heh. Nevermind, we can teach Yvette, heh heh heh. So we were kinda rushing Sheryl and all because we couldn't wait. Sheryl made Yvette/Liangdeng promised her that we'll do the scrapbook while at Huishan's house when she's at her appointment. So the plan is something like this: Pong(!) one time, paste one picture, repeat. HAHAHA. I can't believe we came up with that.

Left Macs then we went to SKP to get the plastic bags so we could play water bombs. Da girlies were fighting over which size we should buy. After selecting one after much consideration, I was shouting for Liangdeng and he claimed that he's not the bank, but I replied that he's the ATM. HAHA.

Then we went to find Hongyang at his shop (no link here whatsoever but since it was the same stretch of shops) and then we went to Popular because Yvette wants to get vangaurd sheet, and since it wasn't 2.30pm yet, we wasted some time in Popular and at the pet shop (read: cute cute puppies!!), before escorting Sheryl to her appointment. :D

(& yes Yvette was carrying the vanguard sheet throughout the whole day! LOL)

Then we went to the opposite to board a bus to get to HuiShan's cribz! Chit-chats and gossips along the way, about our previous 6/2 peeps, like Naomi and Min Ren. Lol.

Alighted and then you know what? WE FORGOT ABOUT THE SCRAPBOOK! It's still with Sheryl!!! So, we were all "Aiyah nevermind la. Don't need to tell her, she won't see the sms"! So yeah....

The first thing Yvette did when we reach HuiShan's cribz was to occupy the computer hahah. Then HuiShan, Liangdeng & I were setting up the table, the chairs, and the tiles and because of Yvette we had to seperate out the suo zi tiles and later mix them in again. Grrr. I think all of us won a few arounds, even Yvette who didn't know how to play tai and was lazy to draw her own tiles. At one part Liangdeng was helping us with the tiles too. HAHAHA. I don't know why but everything just feel so bored, and w-o-l-s....

Gareth & Jordan were watching Nickelodeon and Disney while we were playing. Kevin watched halfway and once he helped us saying what tiles Yvette has. "Circles" was exact word, and then he went to play the Net. HAHA.

HuiShan sms-ed Sheryl to ask her to get bubble teas back for us, yayness! :D Then when she came at around 4pm, we were still playing (hahaha)!

Then this is the part where everything went bonkers. 1. Yvette spilled her milktea and it went *splat* on the floor, and we the 4 playing mahjong players sort of went stunned. Liangdeng's was the worst because the milktea kena his socks and Yvette started laughing very hard because Liangdeng's socks became "milk-socks" HAHAHA. Liangdeng started looking for plastic bags and Huishan suggested using the water bombs one since Liangdeng couldn't find any in the kitchen to store his "milk-socks". 2. The computer Kevin was hogging onto crashed/shut down on its own. And I was the one who pointed it out (read: everyone was sooo engrossed in LiangDeng's milk-socks/watching tv/Yvette was cleaning up the milk tea/Huishan was fixing the computer). Everything happened at once. So crazy!

Then we realised it was Yvette's turn when it the milktea was spilled. So we got on the game and then you know what: YVETTE WAS STILL DRINKING THE MILKTEA THAT WENT *SPLAT*! (Okay I can't stop laughing as I'm typing this!!!!!!) She went "ew ew ew!" and then threw the milk tea away. Seriously, I don't know what's she thinking. Yvette after you see this, please enlighten me!!

Then since we were bored with mahjong already, some of em' helped Sheryl with the scrapbook and I flipped channels for a while. Then HuiShan went to play Maple and then Liangdeng, Gareth & Yours Truly started playing Daidee with Huishan's Tinkerbell poker cards. I kept giving Gareth dees. LOL. After a few rounds, I joined Sheryl, Yvette & Kevin doing the tarot-love thingy. It's kinda exciting knowing what the cards meant, how many cards left in the pack = how many obstacles in your love life, that kinda thing. When Sheryl did mine, it's so damn accurate!!! We kept doing it over and over again because we wanna compare the results. And they forbade me to put JT!!! HAHA.

Then we started cam-whoring with LiangDeng's cammmcammmz! & HuiShan stopped Maple-ing and joined us too. Then we took family photos (like the last time!!), both formal and informal ones, and Liangdeng had to run up and down, up and down HAHAA.

Then CH the birthday boy finally arrived!! Gave him the belated birthday present and sang him a birthday song! Took some more family photos! :D

Then everyone started complaining about the hunger, and thought that going to Astons would be a bad idea because it's queue are damn long already, and decided on Parkway's Banquet.

HuiShan didn't join us as she's having dinner at home. So we bade goodbyes, and Imma' miss you lots girl!!!

I made Liangdeng looked everywhere for his phone when it's with me (hehehehe). Then when we were going down the condo, we thought we saw something in the staircase which was actually only shadows but all of us & I think mostly me & Sheryl & Kevin, screamed the loudest as we got into the lift and there was this uncle who was kinda irritated, and the worse part was CH DID NOT GET INTO THE LIFT WITH US!!!! HE WAS THE ONLY ONE OKAY!!! Before he could even squeeze in, the doors closed already!!!

We board 36 to Parkway and cam-whored this time with Sheryl's cammmcammzz. And then we started talking about Choir again. And then Liangdeng was saying Mr Toh still recognises me. (? HAHAHA)

Walked up to Banquet and waited for this Malay family to finish up. Then I started counting all the coins I had in my pouch. It was $17.65 in total! Then I bought MeePok soup which was so filling, even though I did not finish up the whole bowl of things.

Kevin started talking about Gelare because IT'S TUESDAY!!!!!! Got all of us so excited!! HAHA. Yvette has a problem with drinking coke, because it erodes our teeth. Damn funny.

Then we left Banquet and then left Parkway, to take buses at Katong to go to Siglap. Waited for buses for some time, and the first one was 12. On the way there, they were talking about animals and their faeces. Lol.

Then Sheryl didn't want to get down from 12 because it'd get her straight home and then it was going to be a few minutes to 9pm and she has to be home by 10pm. But we managed to make her alight with us, even though she didn't eat the half-priced waffles at all.

Found seats inside, but we had to sit seperately. Ordered, and I never realise it's that pricey, lol. Had one scoop of Cookies & Cream w/ whipped cream :D Ate till halfway then Sheryl had to leave already. Liangdeng left with her. Then we continued eating and left quickly after that because we're taking up too much space. HAHA.

Gareth took a cab home. Jordan walked home! SEE YA ALL 6 MONTHS LATER!! :D

Actually decided on waiting for a bus with Yvette and Kevin and CH, but then realised that CH had to take 3 buses which was, impractical. So we left Yvette & Kevin alone, and CH took 155 with me to change to 15. :D


They are really a great bunch of friends who never failed to make me smile and laugh. I'm really comfortable and can really be my self when I'm hanging around with them. Such trust and friendship built among us will never be broken. Though we don't always meet up, there's always MSN and emails to keep us in touch, no matter how busy we are. I know for this lifetime, they've made a such a huge difference in my life and I never want them out of my life. They taught me that "Friends Forever" really can exist. I love them to bits! heart