Saturday, July 19, 2008

I was woken up by Darl's text, if not I think I would be very very late! Ha

So I took 155 and alighted (while Darl was walking to the place) only to find out that Ice Cream Chefs ISN'T OPEN!!! Eeeek.

So the other nearest place that has ice cream is Gelare! Headed there and it was open and there wasn't much people there and it was very very empty! We got the very isolated seats (hohoho) which are great for camwhores! :D

Darl treated me to the Cookies Craze Sundae with whipped cream and she got the same one too, without whipped cream, TYVVVVM!!! The sundae was the bombsxzxszxs because of its Koko Krunch (:D), Oreos, whipped cream and lastly, Cookies & Cream! You have no idea how shiok it is!

Darl bought mineral water too, TYVVVVM! Gelare doesn't serve iced water but I thought they do. -.-

Then the sundaes came with the talks that we caught up quite alot (I think) and then came the cam-whoring sessions! Self-timers, black&whites, twists, funny ones, kisses, weird ones, and everything in between!

Left around 1plus, waited damn long for the cab, because Darl was supposed to head down to Toa Payoh, but ended up she'll be going home instead. Hugged her in the taxi! TYVVVVM for sending me home!

It was only 1-2 hours, but it was so worth it, to see you, to talk to you without the use of technology, to laugh with you, to have what I had with you. You're so dear to me, remember this. No matter what, don't feel bad, it's not worth your time and energy. Glad ya like the present1 Psss, I can't wait for your future car! :)

x x x

P/s: Pictures! Other time, if I feel like it :D