Sunday, November 30, 2008

This week has been super super super duper duper good, no kidding. Because everyone of my lovelies (i meant you Nica + Darl) is back in SG the place where we call home and I met ya all already, even if its for a short while. ;) 

And cam-whore with Sheryl and this new thing: 5-lian-pai hahahahahaha

& Weicong, must you scare me just two days before I left for OBS?!

& HELLO new friends! :)

Although Kerla just left for Aussie ytd and prolly won't see this, but still hope you saw my msg wishing you to have a good time + come back in one piece!

& yes, pictures are always a chore and that will have to wait till i'm back from Pulau Ubin! 

Which reminds me that I have to pack pack pack! 

Love ya all, xoxo

x x x