Wednesday, December 10, 2008

In point form:
  • Wednesday, met Shermin at MP Lib @ 930.
  • We ended up talking A LOT about OBS.
  • Then after chopping places at the lib we went to NTUC to get snacks :D
  • Then we came back to the lib after half an hour
  • I think we talk NON-STOP about OBS/OBML. HAHA.
  • Then we started on our hw but it wasn't much a progress.
  • You know it's definitely more of a catch-up session with gossips and whatnot but not a catch-up session with Hw, no no no.
  • Then Jeremy came (with Chipsters! :D :D)
  • & I think we "progressed" even slower, with his own addition to the OBML topic.
  • & wah piang eh, you know I'm damn upset, because they both gang up to bully me, telling me brain teasers and not telling me the answers and/or the reason why!!!!!
  • Then around 3-4ish we gave up completely on homework and went to PP for window-shopping!
  • So we went around, and when we were at Cotton On my heart broke into a million (and more) pieces because the shades in red &pink that was supposed to be on sale at $6.90 is now a freaking...... $89.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Walao up by x00%. Where got so ridiculous one. But it's okay, because I have enough shades, not.
  • Then we went to get Old Chang Kee and we sat at the fountain wondering why there's no water coming out from the fountain hahahaha,
  • & I got both Shermin & Jer to put my name on the labels *points below* HAHAHAHAHA
  • Then we went home around 5ish because I want to watch Coffee Prince
  • Guess who I saw on 15? NICAAAA!! Lol. Meet up with you soon kay :)
  • Home sweeet home!
Am definitely going back the lib tomorrow! Love Shermin lots, for going to the lib with meeeee xoxo :)

x x x