Saturday, December 27, 2008


I woke up to any other Saturday. Only to realize I have a bbq at night, and that there's Hot Shot!

So lunch with sis & relatives at Parkway hawker centre and I had my fave yu pian zhou! Whoo, went to Watsons after that, shopped at Parkway. Sis bought sushi @ Ichiban for her party at night. Bought Mac's vanilla cone. Then carpool-ed home with the relatives around 3ish.

Home, went to Sis's friend, Fiona's cribz to drop the sushi in their fridge, my fridge no space ah thx to the bbq, lol.

Daphne came first! Watched teevee aka flipped channels and talked while waiting for the rest. Sorry babe my house got nothing to do. Showed her the new choir tee ^^

Helped Kor & gf & friends to bring the food & stuffs down. Then came back up. The next to arrive are Amanda sweetheart, Qy the wugui bf and Derick. Then Eeting & Diana came. Then Try came. Then Jana, Shaohua, Shaoting, Linchin & Yinghui came!

Went down to the pit with the remaining food and we just sat there. Played daidee with the old 2e1'07 peeps. Still remembered how there're so many 1e1'06/2e1'07 in choir. Good times, good times. Kor's friends were shocked that we can play daidee with 5 people HAHAHA. We kids are the pro yo! :)

Sat at the table, waited to be served, seriously. There was just food coming in. Talked, played cards, ate, bbq-ed marshmallows, drink, laughs, joked, ate some more, talked some more,

Sweetheart went up with me to get my Camel. Darl + bf came and luckily we were upstairs or else I couldn't open the door for her lol.

Cam-whore, have to use flash all the time, thanks to the night, trying to open my eyes, without warning, snap snap snap HAHAHA

Called Mama twice to ask about 3e2's sparklers! Found it. It was inside this bag together with the barney hats! HAHAHA Played with it. Used the charcoal to light up. Thank god we were done with bbq-ing by now. Smelled it. Coughing. Bleagh it. Sweetheart wore the Barney party hats with me. Good times good times eh!

Collected $, returned $, packed up, used the toilets, group shots, sent them to the bus stop. Daphne took 15 while the rest took 33.

Went back to the pit and help to pack up. Brought everything minus the charcoal haha up.



Thanks to those who turned up!
Thanks Kor & gf & friends!
Thank everyone for everything!

x x x