Saturday, April 11, 2009

I'm in a good mood so I'll blog! 

Just came back from MP Lib + Bedok Inter (KFC + Sheng Shiong) w/ Shermin + Tzuying! It was productive in all areas! 
Study checked!
KFC checked! 
Chitchats checked! 
Gossips checked!
Fun with aluminium foils, OH YES CHECKED! HAHAHA

I'm left with History (2 essays + SBQs which seems to be getting harder with each chapater!), 
& English (2 essays plan + research!! - oh dang pls shoot me)! 

Love Shermin + Tzuying very much! ♥♥♥

Am going out to eat KFC with sis again muahahahahahahahah ciao! 

x x x