Friday, July 10, 2009

Maybe I never did, maybe I did..

I have 15 mins before the laptop batt goes flat, soo...

So glad to see Nurul Edmund Iskandar and the rest @ NP today! & NP Poly experience is (Y)! should've gone for the other days too!!

I got cheese fries from Makan Place + lots & lots of cheese :D

Multiple internal conflicts! There's so many things i wanna do, there's so many things I MUST DO! Like mugging for eg. -.-

Yayah is so ke ai when ta zai jiang hua yu. Like LOL!! Sometimes she understands, sometimes she don't!!

Been blogging daily now? Cus of the new skin whoohoo! Still need to get my links up, eek -.-

12 mins left..

Okay gonna blog hop/ Twitter now! :D

x x x