Sunday, August 23, 2009


Am STILL writing my July journal. I get that sense of peace when I'm writing journals. It keep me upbeat, and not all melancholy like here. Maybe because the journals have a purpose? and dirtymasquerade is like.. oh crap junk stuffs whatever bullshit. But its not. Its more personal to a certain extent. More hay-wire when it comes to jotting down my thoughts. Hmmm

Hope i can finish my July journal by today. HOPE HOPE!!

Sorry Darl for not being able to make it to your flea!!! Yesterday i was being lazy trying to do a lil of AMaths and a lil of Chem and watching JONAS (keke :B), while today i had hw (eeek) to do.. But glad I met you on Friday and had talks and more talks over shaker fries (!!!) and i think we ran out of things to say (rmb the pauses in between hahaha) HOPE your sale is good! See you sooonn!! luv ya xoxo