Sunday, August 16, 2009

HAHAHA SHERMIN SEE QI QI LOOK HERE my plan epic fail, walao -.- thought you are soooo against subway!!!! Then you had it for dinner also!! -.- *rolls eyes and flings hair* hate die you laaaaaaaaaa go die you also!!! later fat die you and then i LAUGH DIE MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA nope i will not let you have the last laugh MUAHAHAHAHA

okay so besides Subway i had Kiliney for dinner! I remembered Darl wanted to go there for breakfast one time but ended up we didn't eh? we still should though! :)

THEN THE SHIOK-EST - ICC!!!!!!!!!! Whoohooo double scoop of chocolate hershey's and oreos &cream and then the mixed-in was KINDER BEUNO :D wheeee still my fave, so chocolateyyyy!

Okay damn good food this weeeek :D so satisfied omg omg omg :D

Kay i hope see qi qi burst her blood vessels (direct translation from: bao xue guan hahahaha) from reading this post!! *laugh die*

x x x