Monday, December 28, 2009

There should be such a group/fan-page on Facebook
"I have so much to blog about but when I actually sat down to write, nothing comes to mind." 
"I wanted to blog about this but I don't remember what"


something along the line lol.


Side note: POKER IS FUNNNN!!!

x x x

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Only a few streets away

Because you are another one in my life I thank god for 
Love how we live only a few streets away aka you can just come over/ i can just go over!
Love our bangs/your bangs/my super long bangs=side fringe!
Love how we both got similar black&gold Casio watches! Telepathy! 
& to think we ALMOST got the same one, aiyahhhhhh.
Let's go get the same one when you're back from Bangkok!! *winks*
Love that you're starting school in the same week in Jan I'm starting my orientation camp, since SIM is next door to NP! :D
Love the fact that you took time out for me and that shows how important i am to you!

Just nua-ed at home today making complete use of Photobooth! Don'tcha just love Photobooth? :D)

See ya when you're back from Bangkok in 2010 and before we start school! 
P.s. I love you, as always!
P.P.S. I haven't seen ya pink walls!!! hahahaha

x x x

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Me likes how packed my days are, every hour, every minute, every second. I was never bored. It makes my holidays very very fulfilling, meeting different people, learning new things, opening my mind, gaining new perspectives.

Friday: Death Note. Need i say more?

  • Furniture hunting @ Ubi/Kaki Bukit with family. Bought new sofa bed. :D
  • Black pepper crab @ Joo Chiat then desserts @ Tian Mi Mi with Fei & friends. (Y)
  • Night rollerblading with Kor & Debbie & friends @ ECP (Y)
  • Fei Fei wanton mee for supper @ Joo Chiat. (Y)
  • Reached home around 12ish and I was dead. (N)
Side note: Night rollerblading is damn shiok, didn't even felt like I had perspired. It's like night cycling. Been long since I last rollerblade. Sooooo going to do it again!!!


  • Brunch @ The Soup Spoon @ Bugis with Fei. 
  • Headed to 313 @ Orchard. Hella crowded. -.-
  • New shoes from New Look cus it was on sale!! :D 
  • Bumped into Sung Miao Wen @ Zara. COOL OR WHUT? It's funny how I spotted her, because I did not. Fei did. Fei spotted this woman wearing this top that Ting have. And i realised it's Mw's mum with her bro!!! And they said Mw's at Zara. Hahahahahahaha ttm. 
  • (Good news! I heard from Mw later that her mum said i lost weight HAHAHA) 
  • 4 floors of Forever 21 = No one ever needs to do online shopping @ F21 ever again!
  • Trained a stop to Ion. 
  • Fei's friend worked at Body Shop so bought tons of stuffs there and we only had to pay 50% of the total bill. (Y)
  • Prologue @ the top floor and we bought notebooks for 2010. Mine's black in colour :)
  • Light dinner (we were not even hungry) @ Tea Loft(?)
  • Awesome brownies + English tea + French toast
  • Trained two stops to Plaza Sing to watch movie because we were too shagged to walk
  • Bought our tix at 7.05 for Avatar when it started at 7.00 HAHA
  • Lucky for us when we hurried in it was still showing advertisements!
  • Our seats were not too bad either: 5th row from the front, at the side though. 
  • It's Titanic + MOE mixed together, cus it's a love story and it is empowering, makes you think of how humans is harming Mother Nature. (Y)
  • 14-ed home about 11. (I thought that was the end of my day...)
  • Then Kor said: Let's go Mustafa to get your xmas present!
  • I said: ON LET'S GO! 
  • Very significant: My virgin trip to Mustafa 
  • Spent about 2 hours shopping @ Mustafa
  • I got a simple, black & gold Casio watch @ $15 :D 
  • Dim sum for supper! Me loves dim sum, esp Portugese egg tarts!
  • Reached home @ 2ish in the morn and I was dead again. 

Monday: Exciting day!!
  • Met Miaowen @ 10ish @ the last cabin and we trained to Cityhall 
  • KBOX from 11am-2pm 
  • Kbox cheated our money. I'm sorry we should have checked before ):
  • Left Marina Square @ 4, headed to Aljunied
  • Accompanied Zhengjie for hair cut
  • Chilled @ Mac
  • Zhengjie thrashed me @ Tap Tap. Ugh.
  • Walked back to the Mrt around 5ish & Chipmunks on Monday!! (I hope & pray!!)
  • Took 40 to Katong.
  • Dinner @ Astons with Ms Tan, Chin Mian & Ken & Benson
  • Miaowen was supposed to come along!!!! 
  • Ken disappeared halfway and we waited for him to start our dinner -.-
  • Awesome catching up!! So many laughters and jokes. "Good times, good times".
  • Thank you Ms Tan for the treat though I was the one who asked you out!! Next: desserts/coffee!! :D
  • Parkway after that, we just walked around aimlessly hahaha
  • Bumped into Jaime!! Long time no see!!!
  • Reached home @ 9
  • I chionged finish my Death Note!!!!! ALL 110 chapters!!!!!! Now what?!
Miaowen posted this on FB which was hilarious:
Yesterday, Jazmyne Gwee and I were at Club Marc when she pointed a shirt that read MARTHA FARKAR with some numeric prints at the bottom. Two things came to my mind. 1. It's probably some historian figure or a politic figure like Obama. 2. Jazmyne Gwee's history was better than mine. So i asked, "Who's Martha Farkar? oh. OH." PWNED.

It was heartwarming to know that this won't be the only time we'll be catching up. I am sure there'll be more to come after this.
AND I found mahjong kakis!!! Since the twins know how to play but don't know how to count no. of tai(s) so Benson & I got advantage  ^^ muahahhahahahah
(Dang, am i too mahjong-crazed hahahahahhhahahha)

Tuesday: Meeting darl tmr instead of today. Hope Adeline is okay! :)

x x x

Friday, December 18, 2009

Yesterday with Miaowen was soooo goood, sooooo frigging fun :) I went over to her crib so that she could untie the knots in my life. Swimming was the excuse though it was raining/drizzling but we did swim for a while before it started pouring. Steam room/sauna was damn shiok, it's simply enjoying life. "Lunch is provided" and I had home-cooked chicken rice + strawberries. We turned to lip-synching & singing for self-entertainment and I must say those hearty laughs were simply awesome! Left around 630ish and i wish i could stay longer tho ):

Thank god I have you in my life ^^ because as cliche as it sounds i know i can always go to you whenever there are knots in my life, and i'll always create opportunities for us both no matter what the situation is yep! Love you love you love you love you love you, love choir green tee, love strawberries, love sharing Kinder Beuno with you, love lip-synching, love our home-made videos which made us go crazy, love your laughter, love your 17teen mags, love singing with you, love camwhoring, love our Mango shades, love the fact that you're awesome and how you can make me smile, love the fact that what you say always makes sense, love the fact that we're in our own world doing our shizz, love that nothing can ever come between us 

I promise you that i will still keep in touch with you on our next chapter of life be it poly or JC because it will be my/your loss if we ever lose touch. (IF ONLY AH!! Means IF even after years of not speaking to each other and we saw one another on the streets somewhere you/I must shout and scream cus we're too happy to be reunited HAHA do you get what I mean? :D)

I know how wordy my posts is but I don't care. Sung Miao Wen do read every word of it because I meant it from the bottom of my heart 

See ya on Monday and I can confirm + chop + guarantee that it's gonna be as fun as yesterday! We're invincible yeah! I already have a few songs in mind to which we will both sing to muahahahaha.

x x x

Friday, December 11, 2009

Ha. Time to update this space again, just wanna fill this up.

Old news: Caught New Moon with a whole bunch of peepz to celebrate Kerla's bday early. WHICH REMINDS ME THAT I HAVE TO SEND OUT THE PEEKCHAS HOLY SHIT. Nvm she's in Japan enjoying herself i'll send later ^^ Had Shaker fries too yay!!

Been seeing Sim Jia Yan for the past 5 days, it's like school but sorta worse, cus for the 1st 2 days she look at me and i look at her, and all the green apples and stickers for 21 hours in total omg -.- thank god I'm not seeing her today hurhur ^^

Mahjong @ my crib with Angeline Zhenlu Derick on Wed from 12pm to 9pm = 9 hours of craziness madness and of course fun-ness. Jy & Marcus came to join in the fun but they were watching my dvds on the laptop instead. Which reminds me that i need to get the dvd wires fix or else i won't be able to watch dvds using the dvd player dang.

Next week mahjong on Derick's off day and KTV with the girls during Tay's off day looks like it's gonna CLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CANNOT CANNOT I split myself into two then CAN ah !!

Bowling @ ECP with my lovelies yesterday which includes JY hahaha. ALL OF US GOT STRIKES WHOOHOOO! It's Diana's first bowling experience!! Glad she enjoyed it which means we'll prolly go back again! :D & Finally had Subway, been craving for it :D and for once i ALMOST couldn't finish my Tuna!! It's like o.0!!

Movie: Planet 51 with Anna the cousin cause HSBC got movie event aka free tickets! :D We got free popcorns and a can of coke! Had LJS before that. Love their cheese!

Going to get a new phone whoohoo :D Been waiting to get the iPhone from Starhub but looks like it's not gonna happen so might as well hurry renew my phone plan and get another phone :D I hope i still got student plan hmmm i want unlimited smses eh!

I miss my music fix \:

x x x

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

In a month time, it'll be a new year, and i'll be moving. I'm anticipating a fresh start for the new year. Change is constant, and so for progress to be made, i must change.

Ever since i'm back from Taiwan which was about two days ago i've been sleeping, spending quality time with the world wide web, reading, sleeping some more, talking on the phone w various peepz and being a couch potato. It was damn shiok not having to worry about anything seriously.

Now i'm waiting for Ting's arrival to confirm my work details -.-

Think i'm too into the Lost Symbol!! o.0 Have to get the book to Afiq when i'm done, still got about one-fifth of the book! It's damn goood!! (Y)

I wanna re-read New Moon before/after the movie!!! I can already picture myself going crazy over Jacob Black aka Taylor Lautner before & during & after the goddamn movie hahahahahaha.

Ciao, back to the Lost Symbol!!

Will post peeekchas when i feel like it,  which may be prolly... never lol.

x x x