Sunday, June 15, 2008

Darl tagged:

"Write 20 random facts about yourself then tag the same amount of people as minutes it takes you to write the facts."

  1. I live in a fairy tale world.
  2. I eat to live.
  3. I live to eat.
  4. I have wonderful friends.
  5. I love red.
  6. I love JT.
  7. I love Jay Chou.
  8. I love Jesse McCartney.
  9. I love Shia Labeouf.
  10. I heartz hot drummers.
  11. I love self timers.
  12. I have incomplete homework to settle by next week. RAWR!
  13. I downloads songs album by album.
  14. I'm super afraid of cockroaches.
  15. I'm super duper uberly in love with cheese, and mayo.
  16. I dread the start of Term 3.
  17. I'm looking forward to seeing Nica at the airport on the 21st!
  18. I woke up at 11am today.
  19. I won't be celebrating Father's Day for the 6th time this year.
  20. Today don't feel like a Sunday to me.
  • Jiayan
  • Clarissa
  • Miaowen
  • Derick
  • Zhenlu
  • Anyone else. Lol.