Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Am going to post because I can't stand the BV Choir dashboard above my own's LOL

So CT1 STARTS TMR & I THINK I'M FALLING SICK SERIOUSLY. Sore throat, blocked & leaky nose, but thank no fever. BUT it's like deja vu all over again. I hope it's not 4e2 virus!!!!!

Okay I'm done with i) of SS, there's still ii) !!!!

x x x 

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Study dates anyone? 


Saturday, February 21, 2009

& to think, CT1 09 is in 5 days. 

"Omg" can't even explain the feeling i'm feeling right now. 

Need. To. Study. 

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me Myself & I!

I turn sixteeeen on the 16th. How cool is that! :)

My Thankyou's are in another post. Hehehe.

Love love love ya all xoxoxo 

x x x

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Short & sweet updates:

English Composition Workshop from 10am-1pm + Airport after that to celebrate my bday with Jy Shermin Tay Diana Rizuan Daryl + Popeyes which were damn shiok! & the price also went up eeeeek stupid recession + SURPRISE CAKE FOR ME OMG SO SWEET OF YA ALL (L)(K) hehehehe + Camwhore + Gossips =  ♥♥♥ = A great day = A happy me!

Thankya all so much for everthing today!
(L) ya girls vvv much! 


& HOTSHOT damn exciting to the max now that Dongfangxiang knows who is Qiugui but he cannot tell JieEr that he knows or she will run away again!!!!!! Kekekekeke

Black pepper crab tomorrow muahahahahahhaa

x x x

Monday, February 09, 2009

I apologise if  I ever made you doubt yourself. It just came as a big surprise simply because I wasn't expecting it & it made me realized that I'm special to you, so it's definitely a good thing!! :) 

Because we've not been keeping in touch as much as we used to, thanks to school being so fast-paced, and i don't want to lose touch, i don't want us to drift apart, please oh god no. I overreacted because I really didn't thought you'd be so sweet, it's so out of the blue, so sudden! 

I hope I didn't hurt your feelings by adding that, though I think i did ):

Please reply, & I want to tell you these. 

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Productive day, both in studies and leisure! 

Lib with Shermin + Jeremy first. I brought pineapple tarts (!!) and packet drinks to snack in the lib hahaha I amused myself :) & No, i'm not celebrating CNY in the library HAHA. Did Emaths/Amaths/Lit/& more Amaths. Need to focus more, and do things faster cus i didn't get to do History revision + Chinese hw which I owed for weeks already. 

Then on the way to Parkway, saw Chinken&Mian. Then to Popular and to Parkway then home. 

Changed, watched 30 mins of my Hotshot(!!!!) and out to meet the sisters at FarEastPlaza. They were doing their mani&pedi and watching House Bunny hahaha. 

FEP + Tangs + Isetan @ Shaw + Wheelock for dinner + Plaza Sing for damn-gao chocolate brownie @ Cartel + Cathay for movie @11pm (The Curious Case Of Benjamin Buttons) + cabbed home at 2.30am. 

The movie is damn freaking good! If you can tahan 3 hours of movie then go watch it!! 

Okay ciao. 

x x x 

Friday, February 06, 2009

I feel so blessed at the moment. Enough said, lest I jinx it. 

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Happy NIu Year!

Updates for CNiuY!


SIS painted red nails for me! :D

Did a bit of cleaning up, a very trivial spring cleaning. 

Reunions dinner @ grandma's place, which is three storey down hahaha. It was nothing special, since I see the family and cousins from Dad's side every day, since we all live so close together. 

The only highlight was the spread of food! Seriously, the shark's fin 3shen made was (Y)! I think I had like 4 bowls hahaha. Collected angpaos ($.$) and all. 

The funny thing was that the same mandarin oranges was just anyhow anyhow passed around, when we the young ones passem them to the old ones, the old ones returned the same ones to us the the young ones. And in the end, all the oranges belonged to Nainai hahaha. 

Played sparklers with Jonathan. The whole pack of 100 sticks was gone in 30 mins. Yes we played that fast. 

Mahjong at night. I wore my red OBS shirt and my red fbts!  Me, Ahting, Sean, 4shen. Mama played too, she took over Sean after he left. I won $11!! :D HAHA. 

I slept at close to 4am, watching Tropic Thunder with Fei. Funny movie. 


Woke up at 11am. So shiok. Changed and went to nainai's house again. It's sort of a tradition every year to go her house again before we leave to bai nian outside.

We went to maternal GrandAunt's place first. Had another huge spread of food for lunch. Damn shiok. 

Mama&DAjie stayed to play mahjong. Kor drove me and fei to IKEA! Bought tons of stuffs. Then to Giant and I bought FBTs, this time in blueee! Then went back to fetch Mama & sis. Then we went to Alicia's house, but didn't catch her there. Played with Johnny, the maltese, damn cutteee. 
Then to another of Mama's friend's house. 

Dinner @ Alforno was (Y) super shiok omg and i saw LiouJing! :)

Then was home and played another round of mahjong with Kor + his friend Eugene + Mama. 

Then Kor drove Fei, Mama, Ting, Anna & I to Century & caught the Wedding Game @ 11.15pm and it was sooo low production and I swear Christopher Lee was almost naked throughout the movie!!! Anna fell asleep halfway thru the movie cus it was way past her bed time lol

Kor came to pick us up and I thought Mac was 24/7!!! ):

Slept at 4am

Tuesday: Woke up at 11am and had Steamboat next door. Damn shiok. I'd never eaten so much abalone in my life hahahhaha. 

Then out to bai nian again. Sean came with us today. Went to Mama's friends place again, a few houses away, then to find other distant relatives at Pasir Ris, then all the way to Ang Mo Kio lol.

Kor drove us home after that. Then we went to #02-01. Played black jack and I won $4! :D

Had steamboat again for dinner. You have no idea how shiok it was!!! 

Then I was chionging hw while Mama, 4shen, Ting, & Sean was playing mahjong right in front of me!!! Tsktsktsk

I slept at 1am though I have school the next day. 

I've got tons more of picchas. Some are up on Facebook alr, Sis uploaded them :)

x x x 

You're a trainwreck but I wouldn't love you if you change. x x x
Name: Gwee Yi Xuan
Date: 1/31/2009
Colorgenics Number: 37512460

You feel as if you have missed out on a great deal that life had to offer and you go about trying to make up for past failures. Naturally at times you get depressed and you try to compensate for your 'missed opportunities' by living your life to the full. This is what, perhaps, may be described as 'living with exaggerated intensity'. In this way you feel you can break the chains of the past and start again - and it could be that you are right.

You need an atmosphere of peace and quiet and you would like to share a bond of understanding with the 'right person' - you have the belief that with the right person, your stress and anxiety could be minimised.

Enough is enough - but the problems never seem to stop. They never stop. You feel, and maybe you are right, that the problems seem to go on and on and you have indeed had more than your fair share of trials and tribulations. But to give you credit - you bounce back time and time again - you stick to your beliefs because deep down you have that inner knowledge, that 'belief' system that in the end, everything will turn out OK - and you are right -it will!

As of late, you have been experiencing untold stress and this is a result of continuous frustration. You haven't been taking care of all your physical needs and it's beginning to show. It would seem that you have a need to find someone to whom you can really relate - someone perhaps whose standards are as high as your own. You want to be different - to be individualistic - to stand out from the common herd. Your inherent control of your sensual instincts is restricting your ability to give yourself to open up freely but this being on your own, being lonely, often makes you feel the need to give up some of your strict standards to surrender to the general flow - to be like everyone else; a part of the herd. Deep down you regard such instincts as weaknesses to be overcome. You would like to be loved or admired for yourself alone. You demand recognition and tender loving care.

The fear that you may not be able to fulfil or realise all of your ambitions makes you work and play hard. The thought of being prevented from achieving the things you want leads you to play your part with frantic fervour.

Click to do it! 


That's exactly how I've been feeling these days. The stress, the thought that I couldn't this and that, the limits that I have.

x x x