Saturday, July 11, 2009

Some pieces of puzzle are missing in my heart

I know for a fact that when I look back in time, I will laugh heartily at what happen today.

SERIOUSLY (!!!) LIKE HAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA OMG STILL FEEL LIKE POURING WATER AT YOU SIM JIA YAN (read: lian ming dai xing!!) *holding a filled water bottle and checking that Tay & Marcus are not in between you and me!!!*

Super :O day!!!!

Today is a productive yet unproductive day. Nuff' said.

Mac breakfast for brunch (Y) Hotcakes is the bombz but they burn a hole-y in my pocket ):

Parkway for dinner with Ahting and we had CoffeeBean because she like their whole-day-breakfast-set or sth & we had pasta plus my fave mocha w/ whipped cream!! SEE QI QI JEALOUS NOT?! :D Plus not I pay eh!!

Then to Marks & Spencer and I got my fave sweets!!! Then to Mango and sis got a red rain coat which i swear she'll never get the chance to wear it in Sg. hahaha

Mum's in a part of MSIA that i don't know how to spell, and she'll be back home tmr afternoon and she didn't bring her keys out, so i have to be home -.-

& relatives from Taiwan are coming tmr night!! Sian i still got school if not i'll be going sightseeing with em'. ):

I think I need to type longer now that I got so much spaceeeee to write this sentence is not even all the way on the right side of the screen so what can i type to make it all the way to the right side of the screen? Hmmm lemme think ah... okay i'm typing as im thinking so i guess this should fill it up?? HAHAHA lame -.-

Ok bai bai!

x x x