Sunday, November 30, 2008

This week has been super super super duper duper good, no kidding. Because everyone of my lovelies (i meant you Nica + Darl) is back in SG the place where we call home and I met ya all already, even if its for a short while. ;) 

And cam-whore with Sheryl and this new thing: 5-lian-pai hahahahahaha

& Weicong, must you scare me just two days before I left for OBS?!

& HELLO new friends! :)

Although Kerla just left for Aussie ytd and prolly won't see this, but still hope you saw my msg wishing you to have a good time + come back in one piece!

& yes, pictures are always a chore and that will have to wait till i'm back from Pulau Ubin! 

Which reminds me that I have to pack pack pack! 

Love ya all, xoxo

x x x 

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Fei woke me up and wanted me to go to Tanjong Pagar with her to wear the cardboard boxes she's working on for the past week, something like a photoshoot. I'm glad both of us wore high-waisted today or else we'll look damn weird eh hahaha.

Cab down to Tanjong Pagar with the boxes. Went to the POSB bank to settle the $$ first. Then had brunch at The Soup Spoon. Their clam chowder (Y)! Super big bowl of it. I wanna go back!!!

It was like a photo shoot, just more random and definitely more fun and interesting. Met new friends along the way, Shu Fen, Hwee Min, Michelle, Shannon, and random strangers. I'm surprised at how we worked together. I wanna do this again!!

Went to BooksActually for the first time too. It's a small bookstore, with very interesting reads. Not commercialized at all. & since it's their bday, we've got free crepes :D

Went to Raffles CBD area, wanted to find Christmas trees, then we went to Mac and I had mcflurry! :D

After that, walked back to Red Dot Musuem and put back the boxes and headed home to catch Hot Shot :D

Now, here's a little story. & I'm out.


Credits to:

x x x

Friday, November 28, 2008


More details on my debate camp.

Today had this official debate, where Aqilah did BV proud as she was chosen to participate in it! Turns out she's the Reply Speaker of the Opposition team!

& guess who won, of course her team did! :D

So we collected our certs (:D) we hang around and took a group photo and then we left TJC with tons of laughters!

Was supposed to go to Bedok Inter first, but Sheryl was done already so Aqilah and I left first and headed to the MRT together.

It's so rare to see me and Aqilah alone together, because we're both from different cliques, though we're classmates and next year we'll be in 4e2'09 together ya know. I really cherished that short while we spent together :)

Then I alighted at Tanah Merah and then took the train to Changi Airport. I know I reached around 5.30pm like that, when Nica's arrival is only at 7.30pm lol.

Waited for Sheryl to reach, then decided to eat at Macs because we're both hungry. Then we went to T2's Minitoons to get Nica a lil' sth, but we didn't get any, then to T3, and we finally bought. Bought this keychain with V on itso Nica can hang on her iPhone (but her iPhone has no holes to poke the string through so Nica hanged it on her Camera =D) then we went around to viewing malls cam-whoring, and our new 5-lian-pai which we took it so many times it's no longer 5, but more than that hahaha. Then we went to the Arrival Hall only to realise that Nica's flight is delayed till 2045 and we headed T1's viewing mall, where we were meddling with Cybershot instead of our cameras because we didn't want to use flash but then it'd be shaky and the pic would be blur, then we waited for Weicong to come since he ended his drum lesson already and we chitchatted till it was 2045 then we went to the Arrival Hall again and waited and Weicong started scaring me about these bugs and sandflies and leeches and whatnot walao way I monday going to Ubin already still scare me like that (-.-) and then Sheryl spotted Nica first (!!) and then Nica came out with her mum and we all gave her a hug and then we went to T3 to Cheers to eat because Weicong hadn't ate a single thing for lunch and dinner, and Nica was craving for cup noodles, so we just stood at Cheers and watched them two eat while I bought pockypocky, and Weicong bought Wangwang also lol, then we went outside and sat there and talked, then it was kinda late already, then we went to send Sheryl off to the bus stop and halfway there we cam-whore in the middle of nowhere lol and then wow there was this long queue but thank god it wasn't Sheryl's bus :) then after sending her off, we went to find Nica's mum at T3's foodcourt and then we 4 took a cab home and thankyou Nica for sending me home and I reached home around 11.30 :D

That's it for Friday.


Really really really spent such a great time with all of ya lovelies, I mean it. This week is really good. Took my mind off so many things. I'm really glad to know that my old friends are still there, the bond, the trust, the love is still here. With Internet, there's nothing stopping us. I love ya all, I treasure whatever we have right now, the past, the present, and whatever's coming in the future. I want things to remain status quo, or even improve on it. That means seeing each other whenever we can. xoxo

They say secondary school friends are those that you'll never forget. But I'll like to think that primary sch ones are also the ones that I'll keep in touch with forever. (Forever is an overrated word.)

Much love to you Sheryl & Nica :)

& with a cherry on top, Huiwen, smsed me and invited me to NAPS bbq, which was too short a notice or I would have attend. Just the invite alone makes me feel as if we've always been in touch, though we're not. Some things are never missing. You just have to look harder for it. Hope ya guys had fun though!


x x x
What: Debate Learning Camp
Where: TJC
When: 26-28th Nov, 1-6pm
Who: Yours Truly, Ara, Aqilah, Derick

Other information: We made new friends! Andrea(TJC), Weiliang(TJC), Aziz(TJC), Sheri (SAC), Ismail(Tampines Sec), Darren(Tampines Sec), Marshall(Tampines Sec).

The lessons are good. I know how to be more confident, how to present my points well, how to organise it properly by giving it headings and grouping them together and I need to practice on that.

Other than that, sorry to ya peeps for leaving ya early! Meet up soon!

Oh, and on Thursday, saw the Track&Field peeps like Chinken + Mian training since they're at TJC as well. :) Didn't talk for long though. Just hi & bye :D

x x x

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tuesday (25/11): Went back to school to settle Choir's Sec 1 Orientation clothe's pegs. & to settle the choir tees, since the lady aka Jasmine's coming down to show us the samples.

Pretty slack aye. I like :)

Told Mw & Tay about my "opinions" HAHAHA I know "you" don't think that way la, hahaha.

& Tay & I did the choir pegs with XO on it, including our names, so you'll get XOXO :D hahaha.

Went home and Kor drove me to Beach Rd to get my camp stuffs, and we had lunch with a super big cup of sugar cane. best (Y) 

Astons for dinner w/ sisters + Mama and there was no queue hahahhahha but service a tad slow today. Hmmm.

& walao its so awkward i swear. -.-

x x x
I'm feeling.. awkward. ZOMG!!!!\


& Thankyou Miaowen the babelicious for getting Crumpler (LOL) and helping me & Lina ask if Crumpler can be washed!!!!

&& to my joy, YES IT CAN! With mild soap & small toothbrush! :D


Does this mean I can bring Crumpler to OBS without worrying?

x x x

Monday, November 24, 2008

Pre OBS Training Course was the bombzsx!!!

We took the train from Tanah Merah, then to Outram to change to purple line, alighted at Habourfront, and then went to a kopitiam for breakfast (:D) and then trekked/hiked/walked/climbed/jumped/laughed/panted/skip/took jump-shots/cam-whored/gossipped/took bus 92/ & etc ALL THE WAY TO BUNOA VISTA.


& we were not even on flat ground!!!!!!!!!!! Up & down, up & down we climbed! 

We climbed Mount Faber, Kent Ridge Park, went to HortPark, Henderson Wave (I wanna go back there! Great place for cam-whoring!), and the places in between.

If OBS is going to be that though, or tougher(!!), I pray that I'll survive 5 days & 4 nights!!!


& I feel like a tourist all over again, like we're back in New Zealand, simply because the scenes of Singapore is mmagnificent too. & you know, the part that makes you really really feel like a tourist, is when you keep snapping, snapping, and snapping even more photos, and when everything seemed so new!


After we're dismissed from Buona Vista, decided where to head off for lunch, scissors paper stone with Mw because we don't know where to go - BoonLay or JurongEast, and there's a winner! IMM! (But we were comtemplating because its not exactly at the mrt and we don't know if there's shuttle bus services or not.)

We walked one big round just to find the pick-up-point.

Mac for lunch and we went to Daiso and it was funny shitsxz there thanks to all the lao hua yen jing there and we cracked up like nobody's business. Then back to Mac because our legs were tired, and Tay&I had Flavour Burst. Talks/gossips/chitchats :)

Mrt-ed home around 4plus. :D

Love my lovely girlies, thank you all vvvvvv much for everythang today aye :)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Writer's Block

The Twilight movie comes out today. A lot of people are really excited about seeing Bella and Edward on the big screen. Others couldn't care less. Where do you fall on the issue?


But yes I'm excited! To see Jacob(!!!!!!) HEHEHEHEHE. 

& yes, I fall in love with Edward :D
Tagged by Derick & Pantat :)

Rules & Regulations:

1. Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
2. People get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird things/habits/little facts as well as state this rule clearly.
3. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
  1. Whenever I wanted to get start on homework, I would stare at the worksheet/assignment, until I figure out how I am able to do it and procrastinate, and stare at the worksheet/assignment, until I figure out how I am able to do it and procrastinate.  Until now I have yet to complete ANY homework. (Must must must break this vicious cycle. I plan to do this by tidying up my table. AGAIN.)
  2. When watching dramas, i.e. Corner With Love/HotShot, I will laugh/giggle like nobody's business (hehehehehehehe)
  3. Drummers with a oh-so-cute face make me melt. :)
  4. I think and fantasize a lot. If I can blog wherever and whenever I want my blog would never be lacking in posts.
  5. I secretly wish for a vampire to sweep me of my feet and sing me to sleep. Or a werewolf that would ride motorbikes with me. :D
  6. When no one's around, I sing to myself. 
  7. I always thought that if I'm thinking about someone hard enough, it would appear in front of me. To date, it hadn't really materialize.
  8. I secretly wish that I can travel. Anytime. Anywhere. With no regard for Anything.
  9. When playing mahjong, I secretly believe that if I love my tiles hard enough, I would win. 
  10. I secretly believe that I am more mature, to the extent that I feel childish.
Now things aren't so secret now, are they? 

x x x

Friday, November 21, 2008

I'm a happy kidz today! 

Went to meet Big Sista after her work today. 

Dinner @ Din Tai Fung aka XIAO LONG BAOS ah yes zomg which is the bombz!!!

Then went to Suntec and to Carrefour (Car-foo/Carry-four/Car-four/whichever way you pronounce it) and bought a whole lot of things, which made me vvvv happy! 

PINK FBTS!!!!! Strawberries, Banana Nut Crunch, KoKo Krunch, Ruffles, Donuts, Croissants, Orange Juice w/ pulps, omg I can see myself pigging out during the weekend! 

Especially since I'mma be at home. Oh man. Heck.

x x x 

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Lost my momentum to mug. Need. To. Get. It. Back. 

I really regret. Whenever I thought about the Os, all I can think is. "Oh man. Still need to mug for a year."

Whenever I thought about the homework and how much time I've wasted, all I can think is. "Oh man. When can I ever get to work."

Because you see, in this world. TALK. IS. CHEAP.

And effort is hard to keep it going.

And motivation is hard to come by.

And I really hate myself now. 

And when people started to compare, like how you do in SBQs, thats the limit.

No. Drive. At. All. To Work.

& this is why I'm here. 

x x x

Monday, November 17, 2008

Urgh i hate the weather. Not that I mind the cold breeze due to the rain, but I plan to go to the library(!!) and when I woke up seeing the sky so dark walao totally killed my mood of going to mug okay. -.-

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I got my wish. I'm so not busy anymore. I feel so lethargic. Been dozing almost every other afternoon, every chance I get. Been pigging out a lot too, thanks to sis who went to Carrefour on Wednesday and yes most of food are finished up already, and today is only Sunday.

Sorry Gladys esp & co for not going to celebrate on Friday. With or w/o me, betcha all had fun eh?

Yesterday saw sisters and I heading to the hospital then to town and we stayed the whole day in FarEast and yes omg I had Shihlin's XXL Crispy Chicken which was the bombz + bbt + we had Pastamania for dinner aka baked rice which is also the bombz!! 

Then we headed to Borders @ Wheelock flipping through the mags we bought and I had pure chocolate with whipped cream @ Coffeebeans (keke pantat you got me hooked eh!)

&& I got my bangs back!!!!!!!! Though it's a little too short. Love my bangs the most when I was in NZ, love that length. (Thank god for the gazillion photos in that style hehe) Dang, it's hard to maintain! Got to learn how to trim it myself, anyone wants to help? (Angeline don't scold me leh i don't dare to cut myself what) haha. I think by the time school reopens I'mma cut it again or just leave it, eh. There are deft more important things in my life than my bangs, ie O's!!!

&&& my god my blisters killed me two huge blisters which burst by the end of the day and the plasters died on me too and I ended up putting Coffeebeans serviettes to prevent friction and i don't care if people were staring thank god that stopped the pain!!! Now I have the temptation to peel it but that would leave a fugly scar and no one wants that yeah.

So, it was cancelled. But anyways, welcome back!!! So glad to be sms-ing You again! :D :D :D

I've started on Emath Hw, which wasn't exactly done because I was stuck on so many levels. Hello SOS please someone help me (read: Rihanna!!). The rest are not going anywhere too. Gotta get my butt back to the library. SherminseeQiQi when are you freee? 

& I need help with the American Civil War. Is it about the discrimination between the whites and the blacks, or the slavery happening in the North and the South? How did it start? Yes I know that thousands died from the deadliest war in American history. What does it have to do with To Kill A Mockingbird?! Alamak. I spent so much time reading on Wiki but nothing makes sense to me. & to think I love History. ): (okay no, I love Hitler more. :D)

I've yet to start on DAY THREE of my NZ trip. Does Day 1 + 2 satisfy ya all? Yes/no? Oh who cares. 

O levels 07 ended days ago. & my nightmare had just started. Aw man. Can't wait to party like a rock star after mine ended. Can't wait to abandon Chinese in a 1/2 year time. YES!

I have half the heart to remove my links. So I don't have to bother relinking/linking people, yeah. I know I have to relink Shermin, Angeline, Yayah, Shirin, Jeremy, remove Jy & Mw, link LiouJing, Amirah, Kaylie, Kimwee. Oh shoot me.

HSM3 OST been keeping me sane these days, tyvm!! Or not really. *mimicks* yeah.

I think PMS is at work. Okay shooo.

x x x

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Kor! :D

The first ever 3e2 class chalet is overrrrrrr!!!!!!! Updates, prolly when I'm more freeee. :)

Jiayan you have no idea how much I heart heart heart you tyvvvvvm for everything I think without you & I organizing, the chalet sucks (hahaha) thank you very very very much for the fun, joy and laughter you bring to my life these days, especially since I'm back from NZ how can I ever live without you huh?! muacks xoxoxox

Shermin & Sweetheart & Line, i heart heart heart you,  you three are important to me as well without you guys the chalet wouldn't be fun at all!! 

Pantat & Kaylie I heart heart heart you too! 

& the guys, all of ya, thanks for making the chalet so much fun wheeeeee :)

& YES Im going for OBS from the 1st to the 5th Dec!!! Which means, I won't be able to go for TK Choir's concert on the 1st! SORRY MG (esp Yvette + Kevin!) But I'll still meet ya all on the 20th :)

& Omg omg omg we're going to celebrate Kor's bdae on Sunday the 16th night @ 930! But I have plans with ahemahem already! 

Ahemahem, haha you know who you are, HOW!!? Late afternoon? :) 

x x x

New Zealand - Day 1 & 2

I'm back from NZ! & I missed it there! Can I say I've got the NZ fever? silly

The friendliness of the local people, the tour guides Alan & Jess, the food which was finger lickin' good, the weather which made of us freeze and scream&shout, the wind, the beaches, the sceneries, my St Peter's buddy - Amy who was super nice plus I see me in her, the shopping which omg i totally regretted not buying more since there are shops which Sg doesn't have like Supre and ValleyGirl and JayJays which is super cheap to the max plus they were having sale omg omg omg, the accommodations which were sooo damn good and nice i can't imagine we were actually sleeping in these rooms man, the cam-whoring sessions which were the bombz and amounted to the 1240 pictures I took, the cute angmoh guys though there weren't a lot, the coach rides which were quite bumpy at first and we got used to it and Japna & I were reading her Twilight on some rides, the Blo-Kart rides which I got overturned but it was soooo much fun, the gondola/luge/cable car rides which were also fun fun fun!

(Clap clap to you if you made it through the whole para!)

So, after everything was packed, Kor + Debbie + Fei + I left the house at 5.30pm, though we were running late because I kept thinking I forgot something! & somewhere in the middle of the trip I realise I only brought one memory card instead of two, but it's okay though.

Reached the airport, and quite a number of people were there already, including Tay & Diana who went to send me off! TYVM!! pleasedheart

Mr Yap came to give a speech, and we all had to gather at the place we checked in our luggage. He was carrying his son lololol.

Amanda, Zhenlu, Jeremy & Daanish came!!
Alicia & Gunadi came too!

Then we went to have Popeyes. Huge ass crowd man. I think peeps tabao-ed away Popeyes and sat somewhere, like Esther co. Went to jalan jalan since we still got time. I bought Teens which has Jonas Brothers on the cover! pleased

Then we went back to meet the rest, and listened to Mr Boo made his speech. Then we bade goodbyes!

While waiting to go on the plane

Then on the plane we go! & I GOT WINDOW SEAT! pleased But I changed with Liou Jing since Kerla was also sitting the aisle seat. Imagine having to ride 10 hours on the plane!! But it wasn't that bad because the entertainment system rocks!! SQ (Y)! I watched Disturbia (SHIA LABEOUF hello hot to the maxxxxxx) & Sex & the City, and their Music section is damn kewlszxs because they got Camp Rock + FutureSex/LoveSounds + We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things + Wo Hen Mang, and omg so much more!!!! Walao & I charged Ipod but I didn't even use it. -.-

What is an aeroplane ride without photographs of its plane and the skies and clouds?


& we reached Auckland, New Zealand @ 1100 NZ time! :D

While waiting for the rest,

Board the coach, that would be with us throughout the whole trip! Okay I don't have peekchas of the coach (yet). Then a while later, we went to have lunch @ AutoBhan's Cafe. We had creme of seafood or something like that, with two big pieces of garlic bread. (Y)!!!

Cool car! :D

Then we went back to the bus, and headed to a beach @ Tauranga!

Japna, aka my bus buddy!

Pit stop! Because I think Bernerd vommitted, due to car sick. & yes, a lot of us got car sick too. Very very bumpy and a giddy ride! & TYVM to Lucas for fixing my IPod because it got hanged and I think 1/2 of the battery was gone because I couldn't switch it off!

& off we go, to the beach! Scenes from the rides: Simply because everything is so new, so different from Sg, you would want to take it all in, but the novelty goes off after a few days. You know like a child, when you got a new game to play with and you give it your whole heart, haha.

& we reached the beach at last! On the way to the beach..

Ms Deepa, with my shades!! HAHA

Beach beach!! && the camwhoring-session started!

We had to do this activity, something about the sea, eye-level, measuring tape, ruler, using your toe, etc. Here you have Alan+Jess demonstrating for us all. Then we were told to remove our socks and shoes and we had to do it ourselves! But Shermin & I didn't really do, hahaha, thus cam-whore! :D

Kay-Lynn, aka Mrs Hua's 8yo daughter!

Then we left the beach to go grocery-shopping! Their supermarkets are very much like Singapores. Not much of a novelty here.

Look at Chinken's trolley!!! Full of junk food! (Y)

After grocery shopping, we went back to Hotel Armitage, where we would be staying for the next two nights! We had our dinner first, because we were quite late I think(?), and from what Alan said, the chef was worried or sth(?).

1. Fish 2. Rice 3. Cauliflower 4. Potatoes!

Ice cream!

Lobby & this feature right smack in the middle haha

Charmaine's Shermin's & Clarissa's & my hotel room! *winks!*

The view from our balcony, which was quite scary because it's so dark and there's wind so it looks like something is moving!

While waiting to be debrief for the day

& while debriefing, we were sooooo tired I think I dozed off like how one would during lessons(!!). After debrief, we went back to our rooms, and I showered first, and I think Kerla went over to Mw's room to shower (oh yes, Mw's room had like, 3 beds enough for 5 people! yet there were only 3 of em, lolol!). Then we were quite bored so we went to walk around, and we played 3 person daidee till about 2300 NZ time! & I kept losing! -.-

& stupid irritants knocked on our door trying to scare us? Hello childish to max.

Our room had two beds, one is for 2 pax, another for 1 pax. So for that night, I slept with Kerla on the bigger bed! :D


(End of my post! Shall post the rest anotehr day! :D)